Hunting in Emerald Coast, Australia | theHunter: Call of the Wild

in #hive-14021711 days ago

Hello and Welcome back to my blog!

It has been some time since I played in the Australian map in theHunter: Call of the Wild. Although the map is not the best looking it features some unique animals to hunt like the iconic Eastern Gray Kangaroo and Saltwater Crocodiles. I think this map has one of the highest variety of unique species that are not found on any other map and it makes sense too, after all this is based on the Eastern Coast of Australia.

There are a lot of Kangaroos roaming around in these plains and most of the time they run away from dangers but once in a while, they will get aggressive and try to come for you.

I am trying to get more handgun kills so I can have enough handgun points to unlock a powerful scope. I love handguns but they are only useful in close encounters and against aggressive animals like Crocodiles, Wolves etc. Not so much against bigger games that don't want to get close.

This is the current scope I have; it is just a 1x magnification with a red dot. This particular female was aggressive and wanted to punch me, but she forgot who was carrying the guns. Hehe.

Even though there are no snow-clad mountains in this reserve, it still looks beautiful. I would not waste an opportunity to capture some of its beauty.

We came across a group of Kangaroos who were resting in the shade. I took out the biggest one but vital organ. The angle was a bit odd. Look at how they sleep on the

I took this shot from 250+ meters, which is not an easy shot from that long distance, especially when the animal doesn't have large lungs like a bison or buffalo. At least, I managed to hit his tummy and that was enough to kill it eventually. I missed an opportunity to get gold but I was a bit impatient and didn't want to get closer.

The sun was getting closer to the Horizon with each passing minute. But we still had about half an hour of daylight. Day-night cycle in this game is quite long and I like that thing about this game. Makes it a better hunting simulator.

There are some beautiful Feral Goats on this map too and I love to hunt them. I even got a diamond feral goat once. I saw two big groups merging close to a lake. It was a perfect opportunity to get a couple of them. But I needed to be quick.

I got two from these two groups, both were males weighing just over 47 Kg and looking similar too. But one of them had a common white fur colour and the other one had 'white brown' which is I believe an uncommon one. I thought one of them is an Albino which is very rare.

I found a hunting blind close to the lake and set it up. I waited inside it hoping someone would come to drink water but no one came for some time. What a waste of time. At least the view was

I moved on towards the eastern coast of the map. There is a big shoreline where you can find Saltwater Crocodiles. They live in shallow water and come to the beach to rest. But before going there I had to cross an area infected with Banteng. Yeah, it is literally infected with these cattle, you will find herds and herds of them roaming around here.

It wasn't hard finding one and look what I got. A beautiful gold black male.

The shadows were getting longer now.

By the time I got fed up with chasing these bantengs, the sun was already set. I got to the ocean and saw a beautiful shoreline. Look at how Sheru asserts his dominance on this beach. He will be the first to run off when a Crocodile comes out of the water.

We saw some more Banteng but now it was really getting darker and harder to see them. Crocodiles here can come out of the water unannounced and can attack you and kill you in a couple of attacks.

But I wanted to finish this session by killing a crocodile and when we spotted one a bit far from this beach. We rushed towards him and hit him in the right lung.

It wasn't a big one, not even big enough for a gold. But even smaller ones give a lot of cash and XP. This relatively smaller male gave almost 1200 cash.

This marked the end of my adventures here. Had a lot of fun hunting on this map. The aggressive Kangaroos and Crocodiles make this map more interesting. I wish there were more aggressive animals in this game.

Thanks for reading...

Until next hunt...

  • All the content is mine unless otherwise stated.
  • Screenshots are from the game, theHunter: Call of the Wild.


Finding Kangaroos in an Australian forest should be the most easy job, right?

This photo reminded me of some Kangaroo fight where mostly other animals loses and I noticed even human don't match against them. When they fight, it looks like they come with confidence. It's nice seeing you hunting in Australia.

They are everywhere! But not all of them want to pick a fight like this one. Most of them run away but once in a while a brave soul like this comes up to fight hahaha

Hahaha, a brave soul, hahahaha.