Bitter-sweet moment

in #hive-15385020 days ago

I hate to talk about death. I hate to think about anything that even slightly reminds me of my mortality because I'm this kind of guy who hates to think about the fact that we all are going to die someday even though we all know it's true.

But unfortunately, whether we like it or not, the older we get, the closer we get to our grave...and earlier today, I got reminded that we're currently at that age where we make those life long decisions that we've always daydreamed about when we were little kids.

Earlier today, a female friend of mine, someone who was my classmate in high-school had told me about her wedding that would be taking place in a short period from now. She had wanted me to come but unfortunately I had politely turned her down due to the location of the wedding.

But right after we finished having that conversation, I found myself having this flashback, thinking about back in the day when we all were in high-school, running around like the little kids that we were, not giving a damn about anything else in the world. And now all of a sudden, we're the same ones taking important decisions like getting married and even having kids of our own.

It's fascinating when I think about it because I look at some of these guys and I still see them in their cute little white and black uniform that we had to put on back then for school.. Lol

I guess at the end of the day, this all just shows how fast time flies and how we should always enjoy every moment of our growing up because one minute you're a little kid, the next minute you're at the altar, in front of a priest saying your wedding vows.

Thankfully, there's still more than enough time currently to enjoy this current age that we're currently in because I'm sure the last thing we want is to come back here ten or twenty years later, talking about how we used to be university graduates back in the day and now we're fifty years old with kids running all over the place.

I guess what I'm just trying to say is that time flies people, and today's wedding invitation had left a bitter-sweet taste in my mouth because although it might seem like it's fun that we're growing up fast and doing those things that we've always wanted to do when we were kids, it also reminds me that we're also quickly growing old, therefore moving towards the grave.

But hey, this is just me looking at the whole thing from a sad, negative perspective, almost like the glass half-full or half-empty kinda situation. While others might choose to see their glass half-empty, it's good you see yours as half-full.. Focus on the good side of it all, the weddings, the beautiful kids and don't worry about the inevitable because whether you worry or not, it's going to happen anyway.

photo by Nolan Simmons


It's life and no one can stop the flow of time. Thinking about the past just memorize what we wanted to be and what we are now and what we have missed. That is the reason we should try our best to enjoy each moment and we don't know what will happen in the next moment. It's better to enjoy today and have no regrets in life.
I hope your friend will enjoy a happy married life.
It also reminded me that you are also crossing the marriage age. So get ready for it. Just think about your future groom and it's a positive thing in my opinion. !lol

What did the icicle say to the other icicle?
Nothing, they just hung out and chilled.

Credit: reddit
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I thought about that too, the marriage age stuff 😂😂 I honestly don't know if I'm ready for that any time soon.... Let's just wait and see.