My grandma died a couple years ago, but before she died, I and my siblings had the opportunity to meet her and basically spend time with her. I said "had the opportunity" because I rarely hangout with any of my extended families, probably due to distance or whatever but that's why my relationship with them now is totally messed up...we have nothing to talk about when I'm in the same room with them.
Anyways, you know how everyone always tries to make their grandparents happy whenever they're around? Well I think it's safe to say I had done the opposite of that.
You see, I forgot to mention but the reason my grandma was staying with us at the time was because my mom had just given birth to my little brother, so she had traveled all the way from the village to come assist her with some things, like cooking and taking care of the baby while my mom rested.
It was a good idea she came around because we ended up taking pictures together with the baby and spent time together before she past away some few years later. Strangely, not being close to her helped with the grief because it wasn't as painful as it would have been if we were very close.
Anyways, grandma was helping mom out with a lot of things at the time, and one of those things was cooking. One day she had made this stew that tasted completely different from what I was used to, completely different in a bad way.
And unfortunately, I ended up throwing it away but got caught. I remember the look on her face when my dad sat me at the living room and was questioning me right in front of her. It was a look of disappointment, like she was disappointed in the fact that I didn't like her cooking.
To be honest, I felt bad, but this was eighteen years ago. I was young then but if I had known any better, I would have endured and ate the whole thing. The sad thing about that whole situation now is that whenever we're talking about our grandma and I try to picture her in my head, that image of her being disappointed pops up everytime, and this is probably because I didn't spend much time with her other than that one time she cane to visit.
I hate it, but I can do nothing about it, other than to just find a way to live with it.