Ways Through Happiness

in #hive-1538503 months ago


I have heard a lot of times that we owe it to ourselves to remain happy and that happiness comes naturally, also, happiness shouldn't be dependent on external factors but should happen from the inner part of us. With lots of quotes I have read and experiences I have gathered, I have tried to stay happy and remain that way with nothing to lose my focus from being grateful for everything in my life. I decide to stay happy or not and remembering that my decision determines the outcome helps me stay alert.

There was a time I read on someone's status that as an adult, you don't need any wake-up call to do it right but to push yourself. This adulthood stage has lots of pressures in it, ranging from social media pressures, peer pressure, family pressure etc., and you don't need an alarm to wake you up to get going but remembering your current problems will push you up to do the needful.

Many of us tend to compare ourselves to others and feel that we have failed when we couldn't achieve what they have achieved and this causes unhappiness in our lives. I have tried to stay happy without these factors making me feel like I am doing my best and the truth is that I cannot force some things to happen the way I want. One thing I hate is to see myself being distracted to do my routines for the day and that always happens when I allow my mind to wander around thoughts that make me feel uneasy with myself.

Though I tend to remain happy and do not want to leave such a state, there are moments I feel sad, feeling like I am not doing the right thing. Making me see others as hardworking while mine is different. Many times I tried to force things to happen the way I wanted and when such isn't happening, I feel lost and sad. I feel things should just happen quickly at the snap of my fingers and feel there shouldn't be anything delaying me from getting to where I ought to be. This is normal for humans but we need to understand that whatever we are going through gives us strength when we can confront it with our persistence and hope.


Whenever I am feeling this way, I try to shut others from me and just want my privacy. I would want to be alone while thinking about life and my future. It is at that point a lot of negative thoughts would show up, bringing different ugly scenarios to me and helping me feel lost and useless but once I can come back to my consciousness after being long gone into my thoughts, I start to believe in myself and send away those bad thoughts. I start to dwell on the good sides of life and have the assurance that all will be well eventually if I don't do the wrong thing.

Another way I snap out of this moment is to dwell on the word of God which has always been my solace and safe place. I have understood the power in the word that keeps me alive and assures me that all hope is not lost and that if I can believe it, then I can achieve it. This way, it keeps me away from dwelling on my past mistakes and focusing on the great things ahead of me.

Also, I listen to music or watch movies just to divert my attention to something else. When I realise my emotions are getting the best of me through negative thoughts that keep coming, I switch to listening to music which is a relief to my soul and like a therapy that helps me build healthier habits of believing in myself and being positive again. Watching movies also helps me get my thoughts back and become happy again.

The last thing is having a support system. Opening up to my family or a close friend does help me too. By the time they have finished speaking to me, I feel calm, brush myself over the thoughts and become happier than before because of the realization that things will surely get better.

I always try to stay happy and never depend on an external force to help me do that. I focus only on things I have as I feel grateful for them and am content with them because the scripture says in everything, give thanks to God. Being surrounded by nature helps me bring myself together and feel the warmth again and before I know it, the happiness happens instantly just like magic.

Images belong to me

Thanks for your time reading. Looking forward to your interaction.


Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Staying happy at all times is just the best, there will be sad times but we just shouldn't dwell much on it

Dwelling much on it breeds discouragement and depression. So, it shouldn't last longer because we feel good again.

Mm-mm very important

My dear you are right, we can never push family away, most times we find our hearts heavy unless we talk to someone that is when our heart will be free from burden, sadness is inevitable but happiness supersedes it.

Yea. Sadness is inevitable but we can choose which one we want to let in our mind. Happiness is a sure way to feel good.

In your tough and hard times, we should not forget to contact with God. It is nice to know you listen music in your sad moments. All things can't happen same what we want. You should not compare yourself and do your best to achieve what you want, happy Princess.

Exactly. Talking to God, not comparing and doing things we love will surely help us alleviate those sad moments. Thank you, aslam.

Seems we share almost the same solutions to this kind of challenge.

There are times I just feel like being alone, life is not a bed of roses but after everything we get back on our feet.
We just have to be happy because giving up is never an option.

Yes oo. Giving up isn't an option. When we feel sad, we get back on our feet again. We deserve happiness 😊

One thing I know and believe is that there's nothing He cannot do...I have tasted and see..so even in sad moments, going through his scriptures would give us hope and courage to keep moving. Other tips you shared are on point as well
Thanks for sharing dear


Keep up the good work. 👏

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You are loved.

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Negative comparism is what takes joy or happiness away from us. Satying away from others can be best solutions sometimes because we need to get our focus right, also to not react rudely to others when.

The Word of God is a big influence to my life, confessing the word help to keep my mind away from negativity. Music, movies and opening up to a friends does it too.

Yes. The word of God is so powerful that it encourages us and gives life. We should not ignore its potent. Thank you.

Always and forever potent. You are welcome.

I love how you manage to get out of a bad mood but for me, if I don't talk to people the situation will only worse because a lot of bad things will be popping up in my head so the best thing for me is to hang out with my friends or my family and then talk so that i could shake the sadness away

Exactly. Talking to someone helps a lot and we must not keep things to ourselves.

Thoughts that do not help us to grow needs to be shifts aside totally and never to turn our eyes at it, it's nice that you do not allow bad thoughts to make you feel somehow for long, adulthood is a time we fend for ourselves, it has challenges also but we needs to stay strong.

Yes. We need to stay strong and let go of those negative thoughts.

Well said dear everyone need to be happy. We should find things that make us happy. Happiness is life

Happiness is life. That's absolutely sure.

Yes my dear

Movies and music always does the trick for me because I will just get lost in the lyrics or action and forget about my own problems.

The thing about having a support system especially family is that they tend to be the first to notice when we are trying to push everyone away.

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