Just One Lie

in #hive-1538503 months ago

Just One Lie.png

I have come to realise that telling lies is one of the things everyone detests, yet so mamy people indulge in in for their various reasons. Many religion is against it, cultures, tribe and clans also have a thing against it. Lies break bonds, births disunity and can result to disdain, quarrel, fight or even a war.

Growing up, parents almost won't forgive their kids for telling lies, would punish or spank thier kids with some correction rod. You could also be tagged and known as a liar in a community, just because you've told a lie, maybe twice to an elderly person; then that elderly man/woman reports to you to another and your fame of lie spreads by word of mouth. As a Christian, it is a sin to lie and even when it is just a lie to get away with or avoid something that doesn't hurt anyone; no sin is too little.

Two years ago, two out if my friends who were ladies had a quarrel. They were very close friends, stayed together though they had their seperate hostel, they were started as a result of not telling each other about their behaviours, they somehow stopped opening up to each other. Everyone that knew about this commendable friendship tried to bring them back but it was to no avail.

I was very close to one (let's call her Marvel) and barely know much about the other ( let's call her Vic). Marvel and Vic eventually went their seperate ways.

About 8 months later, I found out that Vic needed to find a place to stay because hostel has become very scarce in school. I proposed that she stay with me till there is a vacancy in my hostel; she agreed. Vic wasn't 100% comfortable with this because we are opposite sex and rumour might spread around but she had no choice (plus she had very few friends). I was happy to help her.

I had enough foodstuffs when she was staying with me. Staying together was just so weird; we barely speak to each other for a minute and I'm not exaggerating. Just greetings, let me help you with it, you can take it, you can use it and other short sentences like that. Plus, then I was 100% introvert and wasn't that kind of guy that can hold random conversations with anyone or even a lady.

Just One Lie (1).png

Our taste for food was quite different, she love more seasonings in her food and I was not very comfortable with it. Whenever she's done cooking and asks me how the food taste, I'd nod my head, lie to her that it tastes nice, good or delicious; though the amount of seasoning was just so much. I didn't want to hurt her or make her feel bad; she was staying with me and that's enough reason for her to be so careful and almost uncomfortable around me because she wasn't paying. Another reason why I couldn't tell her the truth was that we weren't close at all after she had a quarrel with Marvel, she just kept herself at a distance for about 8 months.

Now, we are friends and closer than we were, staying in the room next to mine. I told her about how she loved adding excess seasoning to her food. She was suprised, a little bit embarassed and annoyed too (ladies kinda thing) and she almost bit me when I told her 😂😂.

I wouldn't say I am proud to have lied to her but I had my reasons and if a similar event like that happen, I will surely tell the truth; I would probably just find the best way to put it so it wouldn't sound rude or bad.

I got both pictures from Canva

Thank you for reading till the end

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Keep up the good work. 👏

Recognized by Mystic artist Gudasol

You are loved.

Interested to to help music map cXc.world spread more good vibes on Hive?.

Everyone lies, said a constant phrase from the character Dr House. Including parents, who lie to their children all the time. How much of this lying is harmful?

I don't think I understood the story very well, but it must be due to the fact that I used a translator.

No sin is little which is right. Ladies do not want to hear from a guy how bad the taste of their food is but they feel comfortable when it is said politely. Lol
At least she would have adjusted when you finally opened up to her.

Right! That's why I didn't tell her that time. Her food tastes far better now. Thank you for engaging my post.

That's good to hear. You are welcome too ☺️


I agree. No sin is too little. A little lie can grow into a major lie. Until we become too entangled in it.

Right!... that's why it's better not to lie at all else the need to tell another lie might come.