In Hinduism, women are worshipped as a representation of the divine feminine power, often referred to as "Shakti". The concept of "Shakti" highlights the power and potential within the feminine aspect of the divine. Goddesses Durga, Lakshmi, and Saraswati are often seen as embodiments of essential aspects of life like fertility, creation, knowledge, and protection, which are deeply valued across cultures. Our ancestors and ancient scholars too valued the worshipping to women folks. They say :
यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता!
यत्र एता न पूज्यन्ते सर्वास्तत्र अफला क्रियाः!
Yatra naaryastu poojyante ramante tatra Devataah
Yatra eta na poojyante sarvaastatra aphalaa kriyaah.
In a community where women folk are respected and adored, God bestow his mercy and bounty there and where this is not done efforts made to improve the lot of the community become unsuccessful. This phrase highlights the significance of honoring women in society, suggesting that when women are respected, positive energy and prosperity prevail.
Yatra = where
Naaryastu = women.
Poojyante = worshipped, adored, respected.
Ramante = like to reside.
Tatra = there
Devta = gods
Eta = they.
Afalaa = without any result, futile .
Kriyaa = action, doing any work.
The reason, I put up this phrases is to highlight the importance of womenhood. In todays time, when people talk about gender inequality, and status of women in the society, it is important to remind that women folk play an equally important role in creating prosperity and well being of the society and if they are treated well and respected it is akin to pleasing the Gods.
In actual practice women are discriminated and ill treated in all walks of life among many communities in India, with the result that they are still backward and underdeveloped.