PostsCommentsquorion in #leofinance • 18 days ago@quorion "Some articles you can suggest to me to learn more ..."Some articles you can suggest to me to learn more about dash?quorion in #leofinance • 20 days ago@quorion ""quorion in #leofinance • 20 days ago@quorion "Sounds great - probably need to change my avatar t..."Sounds great - probably need to change my avatar then.quorion in #leofinance • 20 days ago@quorion "It's definitly underrated in this world! Sometimes..."It's definitly underrated in this world! Sometimes I feel really isolated. I imagine getting "real" friends used to be a lot easier for my parents.quorion in #leofinance • 20 days ago@quorion "I am new to Inleo. Asking if it’s worth it in gene..."I am new to Inleo. Asking if it’s worth it in general is unnecessary – because you bought it, so it seems like it’s worth it! 😆 But is it worth it for someone who’s just starting with Inleo?