Something Strange Happened To Me Today.

in #hive-125125last month

Something happened to me in my shop today and made me remember when I used to hear that some people slumped or just hit their leg on something and died instantly. I’ve been at the shop playing and having a chat with my sis and a friend who came to say hi to us.
When my friend left, I was thinking of counting the money I have made because I plan to go get some goods this evening before I go home so I would not have to go on Monday morning.

I was kneeling beside my fridge while counting the money. When I finished counting, I was jubilating because I already made so much sales for that day.
Sadly, I hit my knee on a pallet. I have a pallet under my fridge which I was kneeling beside.
While I was about to stand up after hitting my knee on that pallet, I could not. It would have been better if I was unable to stand because of the pain but no. It felt like I was about to lose my life.

I tried to stand again but I could not. I really can’t explain this feeling but it was looking like I was about to die instantly and my heart began to palpitate. I felt if I forced myself to stand up, something else might happen so I just had to lay on that floor. My sis was talking to me but I was nodding my head instead of responding with my mouth. If I didn’t nod my head and be in a haste to respond to her or talk while my heart was beating so fast, something crazy might have happened.

This is the fridge and pallet I’m talking about.

I don’t think I have ever felt this way in my entire life. Has anyone ever felt this? Do you have an idea of what’s wrong with me or are you familiar with situations like this?


So sorry to hear that!! You probably hit a nerve, this is why the pain was so intense
I hope you feel better now 🥰

So sorry to hear that. Hope you are feeling much better now? Take care of yourself

I hope you are recovered. These little accidents can be quite deadly at times, and frustrating at other times.