Birdwatching - 2163 🐦

in #hive-10644422 days ago

🦉 The Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius brandtii )

  • Garrulus lat.: garrire to chat, babble, chirp, garrulus talkative, chirping, noisy; ax prone to..
  • glandarius glandis, glans (lat.) acorn
  • brandtii brandti, Fedor Fedorovich Brandt (Johann Friedrich von Brandt, 1802–1879), Russian zoologist and physician.

I meet these curious birds exclusively in autumn and early winter. It is at this time that they appear in the forests where I walk. This is due to the search for food. And in villages, these birds can even visit bird feeders.

In my region there lives the Siberian subspecies of jays, and it is the most beautiful. These birds have bright saturated colors in plumage and a red head, other subspecies have other colors, faded.
The bird belongs to the corvids family, and their behavior and diet are the same. But judging by the Latin name, it is not difficult to guess what food it likes most. Of course, it is acorns!

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