
in #hive-16792219 days ago

Came across the cost of living about 40 years ago and all I can say is wow!!! How did we get here? Got me worried because tell me why a man who hasn't earned up to a million dollars before in his entire life be living a well comfortable life compared to a man in this era. 40 years ago you could afford a house a car and a good life while earning way below $100k. Today you can be earning and be considered poor because the cost of basic living is very expensive. This is because of inflation, people were not exposed compared to how they are now. Today we have lots of corrupt leaders spending money lavishly by excessively printing more money thereby causing inflation.


Which has increased the inflation effect on the masses. Imagine spending $20 monthly on groceries 50 years ago and spending over $200 on groceries today. What do you think the inflation rate will be in the next 50 years? Will people normalize spending $2,000 monthly on groceries? I guess so, one thing human must do is adapt, no matter the situation except they protest.


Definitely!! All we can do is adapt to the changing situations. One of my presumptions is that somewhere in the future, money as we know it now will become obsolete and will be replaced by something else. The current traditional financial system is quite unsustainable.

i think bout this too