Inflation is crushing society

in #leofinance23 days ago


This Saturday has been a blessing. I've been able to rest and sleep a lot, I enjoy this summer days where there is nothing to do. The italians have a nice phrase for this: La dolce far niente. In fact, I would say I feel pleasure when doing nothing.

Let's go to the point of the post. I follow a twitter account named zerohedge which has almost 2 million followers. They usually post interesting information about economy, politics and bitcoin. I recommend you a follow. You will not regret it.

The chart shows the evolution of the S&P 500 since 1970 to today (50 years) but not measured in dollar terms, measured in gold terms. the chart is mind-blowing.

This is the chart:

What conclusions can we extract?

Well, it's easy to see 2 things, one the peak we got in the 2000 internet bubble.
The second one is that we are almost exactly in the same spot as in 1970. This is terrible, the S&P 500 is raising in price measured in $ terms, but this is just our money losing value.
There is no real gains of the S&P if we measure it in gold!

What the fuck!?

We are all living a big lie. The world must be a simulation, it doesn't make any sense.
People should wake up and fight back this fucking system.

The good part is that Bitcoin is helping in that regard. Once you get in, you are able to see how the world works and how screwed is the economic system.

Opt out, buy bitcoin and fuck this system.

Stay safe out there!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Hoard your coins, the banksters buy them at face value from the mint, they are treasury money and will survive the frn's collapse.
Every dollar of coins in your jar is a dollar out of the pockets of the people that made things this way.

Every sat you have is out of they control. And I love it!