What do you think about Trump assassination attempt?

in #leofinance2 months ago


Just wanted to know what's your opinion on Trump assassination attempt.
Do you think it was a planned attack by a group of powerful people? It was just a kid with some mental issues? It was planned by Trump itself?
We got to a point where it's really difficult to trust the media, all the stories can be fake or fabricated. It's getting harder and harder to know the truth.

The worst part is that with the rise of AI it will get even more harder in the future. We won't be able to know what happened or what didn't happen. Crazy times ahead. Masses will be even more manipulated than now, it's scary.

I'm a fan of artificial intelligence, I don't want any rules to be imposed on this technology, at least for now. AI should be free, accessible and uncensored. We will figure out what's the best way to deal with this new technology.

TRUMP elected president

From all the polls I read, Trump is going to be the next president of the United States. This unsuccessful assassination attempt helped Trump gain some support from people who were not sure who to vote for.

I think that Trump winning the election will help the Bitcoin community. He has manifested some support previously and he has already promised some policy changes to make sure that USA becomes a dominant player in the Bitcoin industry.

I hope you have a great weekend!
Take care!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I don't think it was a planned attempt Trump will lose way too much than the presidential election if he fakes his own assassination, I just think it's a fellow who seemed to have a beef with him. The attempt just we worked in Trump's favor

Hello @josediccus I also think the same.
It was just pure luck that Trump is still alive. Let's see if he wins the election! Have a great weekend!

If he wins it might be actually great for crypto.

It will start a new pump! Probably we'll hit $75,000$ or $80,000 by then.

We get as much tyranny as we tolerate.™
