Six Tips for Increasing Productivity

in #inleo23 days ago

I stumbled across these in The Week! magazine, it's a nice list of tips so I thought I'd share my thoughts on them...

1. Use spreadsheets for lists of things you need to do!

Personally I use TWO sheets, one is for constant changeable items with two tabs....

  • the classic daily to do list
  • the lower priority but pending over the next month list.
  • to buy this month list
  • income and expenditure.

Then more perennial lists...

  • generic shopping lists
  • books to read
  • travel lists (things to take with you)
  • etc....

Screenshot 2024-08-23 at 09.04.46.png

2. Create a first things list...

Break larger tasks down into smaller chunks and find the ones you can do immediately, start here, and start ticking them off early on in the day!

3. Map your working days....

Make a note of when you're more focused and more sluggish during the day.

Allocate more complex and brain-intensive tasks to when you're most alert, and more mundane tasks to when you're feeling more sluggish. For me, that means the end of the day for mundane tasks.

4. If you don't need it, work without the internet...

Many working tasks simply don't require you to be online, so keep only those apps open you need, if you are researching online, try to keep windows to a minimum!

5. Try the Ponderoo method...

Work solidly for 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break. If 25 minutes feels too long, then start with a shorter period!

6. Try if>then thinking.... For example 'if I don't go to the gym, I'll do a 10 minute workout at home'. This helps you when your days are rammed full, and is a useful method to keep everything ticking over!

Productivity tips final thoughts...

It's something we should all be thinking about. I mean, when you are working, it makes sense to crack on with it and power through rather than idling in a distracted state!

May as well make the best use of your working time, so then you've got more free-time, potentially, or more working time, it's up to you!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I keep various lists such as books to read and music to buy. It means I'm more ready when I have to make decisions and ideas can come up at any time. I also have some to remind me what I need to take to band gigs as forgetting something can mess it up.

And everyone loves a list! Syncing them across devices and bits of paper can be a challenge!

I've used Google Keep for lists over the years. You can even share them with people.

I need to start doing this, but what I really need to do first is figure out to get more sleep that would really help me out!

Oh lord sleep is essential you just need to make the time!

It seems I did the Ponderoo method without knowing its existence :) My method is also working in shorter periods anf taking shorter breaks.

I like that.... bite sized chunks!

Leaving aside the problematic nature of "productivity" as internalised capitalism, I condensed everything down to an A5 diary with a week to one page and a notes page opposite and never looked back. I like a nice diary, mind, Moleskine (includes a neat pocket at the back for bits and pieces you might pick up) or similar. The Ponderoo method is good when you're a) up against a deadline re b) starting something new.

I get that RE capitalism but this is more about things you want to do! I do like a diary, and and all in one book, I should maybe invest in a nice one!

and all in one book

saved me tons of time!