Epstein's address book UNREDACTED: page 59~60 "65TH STREET"

in #hive-12231513 days ago


I previously transcribed and archived Jeffrey Epstein's address book(a.k.a black book) on Hive, but it was redacted version. Now that I've got unredacted one, I'll also archive it here so that anyone can search and research.

It's amazing we still don't have Epstein's client list after all these years. I guess many of the clients are in this book.

This unredacted version had better resolution, so this transcription would be more accurate.

The following records are from page 59 to 60, "65TH STREET". You can see Ghislaine Maxwell(Epstein's girlfriend and accomplice, on page 60).



Ryan Dionne, the chef, 301 East 66th Street #8c, New York NY 10021, 1 609 915 9311(p), 1 212 535 7374(h), 1 888 533 9632(b)

Scott Geffert, 413 South Maple Ave., Glen Rock NJ 07452, 001 201 493 7647(h), 001 917 842 5755(p), Email:scott@cdiny.com, (Hm)PO Box 4495, Grand Central Station, NYC NY, 10163-4495, 201 493 7640(h), 917 842 5754 Howie cell


Joseph & Fiorina Rueda, 917 690 8794(Jp), 917 499 7936(Fp), 301-793 1695(Fp)

Sarah Kellen, 301 East 66th Street, Apt 10N, New York NY 10021, 917 855 3363(p), 212 517 7580(h), Email:sarahlynnelle@hotmail.com

Brian Kelly, 67 Kayuga Rd., Putnam Valley, NY 10579, 845 526 3716(h,f), 914 804 6719(p)

Ghislaine Maxwell, 116 East 65th St, New York NY 10021, Email:gmax1@mindspring.com, 212 737 0335 Voicemail (Password 5356631), 212 879 8204(wf), 212 879 2670 JE Line3, 212 879 8013 Guest Modem, 371432863 Resale Number, 212 202 4941 New E-fax, 1 800 335 4685 AT&T World Connect, 917 690 8794 Joseph (p), 917 499 7935 Florina (p), 800 335 4685 World connect chip SIM, 917 842 5755 Scott cell, 201 493 7647 Scott (h), 866 782 3274 Scott (w/Howie), 916 843 4685 AT&T World Connect (outside US), 212 879 9366 GM Line 1, 212 879 2058 GM Line 2, 212 879 9459(hf), 212 535 7871 JE Line 2, 212 535 5612 JE Line 1, 212 535 6831 Guest, 212 472 6991 Staff, 212 535 3030(w) Line 1, 212 535 6833(w) Line 2, 212 535 4384(w) Line 3, 212 535 5611(w) Line 4, 212 535 6837 Spare office, 212 249 8510 71st St, 212 717 4672 71st St (f), 917 520 3106(p) try first, 917 497 4880(p), 01144 7785 771552 GSM#, 917 494 9690 Tahoe-Line 1(621), 917 855 6931 Tahoe-Line 2, 561 346 7141 PB Merc, 1 877 358 9350 Flight Options, 212 744 5511 Tahoe Garage, 1 888 387 4383 Etrieve, 959084 Etrieve Mailbox#, 9366 Etrieve security code, 212 535 8817 Rich's Security

Andrea Mitrovich, Ballerina, 153 West 75th St #4B, NYC NY 10023, 917 957 5341p, Email:andrea_mitrovich@yahoo.co

Police, Serg - Robert Goldberg, 19th Precinct Precinct, 917 363 3879, 212 452 0600

Joseph & Fiorena Rueda, 116 East 65th Street, New York NY 10021, Joseph 917 690 8794, Florina 917 499 7936

Kinney Garage Tahoe, 301 East 65th, 212 744 5511(George)