The feeling of eating a lemon pie

in #hive-11777813 days ago

Hello my dear friends, how are you all? I hope that by the infinite mercy of the Almighty God, you are all very well. I am also very well by the infinite mercy of Allah, thanks to your prayers. So friends, today it would be wrong if I said it was a winter vegetable. I will talk about a fruit that is available all year round. Many call it a fruit, while others call it a vegetable, whose name is lemon. We all know more or less how beneficial lemon is for our health.






Lemons contain a lot of vitamin C, which plays an important role in filling the vitamin C deficiency in our body. Eating lemons is a hobby for many people. My little son eats them. If I give him lemon, salt, and pepper, he accepts it with such satisfaction that I can never express it in words.

Today, when I went to the market, he went with me. Then he asked me, "Mom, why don't you have lemon?" I asked, "Why?" He said, "I'll make lemon paste and eat it." Or, "I saw it on YouTube." Actually, I've heard about lemon pancakes for a long time, but I've never tried how to make them. So today, after going home from the market, I first searched YouTube for how to make lemon pancakes. Although they showed it with dried chili peppers, I used chili powder.

If I make a spicy chili sauce with a lot of dried chilies that I have at home, my son will go crazy for the sauce, so I made it with a small amount of chili powder. In fact, it looked much more tempting and was a lot more fun to eat. If you have salt and pepper with sour cream, it looks as tempting as it looks, but it is also much more fun to eat.

So how do you make this lemon picnic? First, let me share the method with you. First, you will buy lemons from the market. If you have enough lemons on your trees, you can make a little more and let everyone taste it. Since I don't have lemons on my tree, I bought them from the market. Even then, I tried to feed it to everyone in my neighborhood.

Next, what you have to do is wash and clean the lemon well, then you have to cut it into small rounds and slices. You will understand by looking at my photography. Then you can arrange each slice nicely. I also tried to arrange it a little, although it is not complete. Next, what you will do is put salt and pepper on top. If you want, you can also roast dried chilies in the fire. It gives a different taste, but my son will not be able to eat it, so I made it like this.

Then, if you want, you can either stir it with your hands or turn it a little with a spoon. This will help the peppercorns and salt reach every part because lemons contain a lot of acid, and if the peppercorns and salt don't reach every part, you understand better than I do how much fun it will be to eat.

I think those who cannot eat lemon due to gastric problems can eat lemon pickle by following this simple method. This will not only enhance the taste in your mouth, but it will also make eating much more enjoyable. You will also gain interest in eating other foods. If you are deficient in vitamin C, it will also be fulfilled. I urge all of you to try to eat lemon regularly to fulfill the deficiency of vitamin C in our body, and those who have excessive gas problems should refrain from eating it.