Mensaje diario de 5 minutos - Me decepcionas

in #hive-1611553 months ago

Sonrió ante el recuerdo de las decepciones recibidas. En cada camino trazado van surgiendo pequeños baches que nos desilusionan y nos van dejando un mal sabor. Pero nada como la decepción personal, la de las fallas, la de no animarte a intentarlo, la que no dijiste no y terminaste diciendo si.

Son esas pequeñas decepciones las que se van acumulando en nuestra tardes de verano. Y sin embargo he aprendido a sonreír ante cada fallo.

Las decepciones que más nos duelan son las de las personas cercanas. Las que le tomamos estima y cariño. Eso nos va causando no volver a estimar a otros amigos o parientes, no brindarles nuestra confianza.

Me decepcionas cuando no tomas decisiones necesarias y ocupan tu poco tiempo libre.

Me decepcionas cuando te olvidas de tus propias necesidades personales para atender personas que a la final no se lo merecen.


Este texto corresponde a mi participación en el reto diario del amigo @latino.romano y @mariannewest Post 28 June 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2417: You disappoint me


He smiled at the memory of the disappointments he had received. On each path taken, small potholes appear that disappoint us and leave us with a bad taste. But nothing like personal disappointment, that of failures, that of not daring to try, that of not saying no and ending up saying yes.

It is those small disappointments that accumulate on our summer afternoons. And yet I have learned to smile at every failure.

The disappointments that hurt us the most are those of the people close to us. Those of us who take esteem and affection. This causes us to no longer appreciate other friends or relatives, not to give them our trust.

You disappoint me when you don't make necessary decisions and they take up your little free time.

You disappoint me when you forget about your own personal needs to serve people who in the end don't deserve it.


This text corresponds to my participation in the daily challenge of my friend @latino.romano and @mariannewest Post 28 June 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2417: You disappoint me


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