2024-08-29 - Distriator - Important Links, Quick Listing, 2 Hours Claim, bug fixes and much more

in #hive-13953117 days ago

Updates on Project Distriator

Important Links in drawer menu

Important Links in drawer menu

  • Initially, we added important links on the dashboard.
  • However, this UX was causing an issue for the users with small screen sized devices.
  • So, we decided to move those links back to drawer menu.
  • This time, instead of keeping those in single big scrollable menu, we have used a collapsible menu.
  • So, you can expand & collapse "important links" menu items.

Claim Timer to 2 Hours

  • Initially, we decided to keep claim timer to 30 mins.
  • However, many users reported that, it is too little time to claim the amount.
  • Based on the feedback received from several users, we've decided to increase the time limit to claim.
  • Now, anyone can claim within 2 hours of the transaction done.

Session Expiry Bug fixed

Session Expiry Bug fixed

  • After a month session expires.
  • However, on the front-end side, we missed handling session expiry.
  • Due to this, most of the user faced "Something went wrong" error.
  • Initially, we couldn't figured it out because we never faced this issue.
  • However, one time when I was able to reproduce, I opened inspector panel & found the hidden bug.
  • This bug is fixed & shipped.
  • Upon session expiry, user will be navigated to login screen.

Confirm adding a business

Confirm adding a business

  • Trusted Business guides can add a business.
  • However, we wanted to make sure that we remind them to add valid businesses only.
  • We've added this prompt which stays there for 5 seconds by force.
  • After 5 seconds, you can hit confirm button.
  • Upon clicking confirm button, business will be added.

Add a Business - Workflow updated

Add a Business - Workflow updated

  • We initially added 2 buttons
  • One of the button would lead to quick business listing
  • The other one would lead to details business listing.
  • However this experience was confusing.
  • Based on feedback from @starkerz, we've updated the experience of adding a business.

What's Next?

  • ✅ Stay Alert & Active for tomorrow's big event planned by @jonsnow1983
  • ✅ Add A business - Auto-Upload photos from Google
  • ✅ Add A business - Search & Locate integration
  • ✅ Add frequently accessed links on drawer menu.
  • ✅ API for quick add a business - Backend
  • ✅ Accept claims from newly added businesses - FrontEnd
  • ✅ API for claims along with custom % for business guides - Backend
  • ✅ Work on the feedback shared with us - FrontEnd
  • ⏳ Global Claim History - FrontEnd
  • ⏳ R & D - Server Status using uptime-kuma
  • ⏳ R & D - CloudFlare Tunnels
  • Add a business should reflect on Waivio / SpendHBD
  • ✅ Script to import businesses from json file to database
  • Script to take backup
  • Script for restoration
  • ✅ Add all guides from production to beta

Updates: Video Encoder Nodes

  • I'm running 12 powerful video encoder nodes for 3Speak Community Members.
  • Monthly internet bandwidth usage which exceeds 15 TB, Maintenance cost, Electricity backup, Internet backup, Depreciation cost - it's all on me.
  • On 2024-08-29, 3Speak published total 222 videos.
  • My video encoder nodes encoded 184 videos from 222 videos published.
  • It means, my encoder nodes encoded 82.88 % of total videos published on 2024-08-29

My Daily Hive Investment Report for 2024-08-29

ValueInvestment Type
0.000 HiveHive Power Up
25.331 HiveWitness Rewards in Hive Power
100.882 HiveCuration Rewards as Hive Power
8.189 HiveBenefactor Rewards as Hive Power
134.402 HiveTotal Hive Power Invested

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Credits to designers - noakmilo & josegrech

image by noakmilo

banner of distriator by josegrech

Swap your HBD/Hive using @ecency


I love these updates. I love the changes to the claim timer and the drawer menu. Keep up the good work. And I hope to see more updates very soon.

Thank you. I'll keep sharing updates

via Inbox

You are welcome

Good progress on this project, thanks for the updates.

You're most welcome. I'll keep sharing updates.

via Inbox