Shorts on InLeo: Revolutionizing Short-Form Content in Web 3

in #hive-16792217 days ago

Getting to try new things and new features is always very exciting and Having those particular features role out on a platform that I have been a part of for a long amount of time hits differently and that has been a great case for InLeo as well because it has been a platform that has been a part of since a long amount of time and has been over around 3 years now. I have seen many changes on the platform new features added as well as the UI being modified and a lot of things and it has been a great experience to see the platform grow from scratch.


The amount of growth that Leo has seen over the years is great in terms of the user base as well as the number of features that it has to offer, as a lot of other things as well right at the same spot, and that has made it one of the favorite applications to be used on the high block chain for sure and also one of the most preferred frontend as well.

There are new features that have been added now and then and many new fixes roll out almost all the time but one of the most recent additions to the platform has to be the Shorts. It has been a project that has got itself introduced on the platform which is now going to be providing the users an opportunity to be having themselves expressing themselves through short content videos which are also one of the most trending forms of content in modern life these days.

Nowadays we see that short-form video content is something that is consumed a high amount on almost all the platforms Web 2 as well and that is something which has been the case for Web 3 as well because there is no such application that you can be doing that with the features that web 3 has to offer along with the privacy and all of that and now you have that opportunity to be getting those short-form content on a Web 3 platform.


I have also used the Shorts tab in Leo and it is refreshing to see because the UI is pretty easy to use and videos are also been published by creators very frequently as it is new so it has a bit less frequency but surely it is going to be rising in the upcoming months for sure. Right now there are a few issues as has been pointed out by a lot of users the upload is something that is being faced with some problems for sure but it is also having a bit of jitter while loading the videos.

We can give it to the team as it is very fresh and the feature has just recently been rolled out under the platform there will be a certain amount of issues that are going to be faced but surely it is going to be fixed and patched up very soon and it is going to be working as more as a breeze in no time and that is why I also try to upload a short of my right now but it was something that I face a bit of problem as well because after uploading I couldn't see that particular short getting posted on my profile itself but I got a link where I could see the short but it wasn't that much effective as of now.

Here's my Short that I posted -

I feel after the thing gets properly useful it will be a great feature for everyone to be using because it is a type of content that is used by a lot of people and only it will provide users a great opportunity to express themselves creatively and that is going to be a game changer but I feel for sure and it is going to be very exciting to see how things are going to be looking like after this particular feature gets itself in full flow.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha