Colorful Road Making 🚧 🚜

in #hive-119845last month

Since I actually started entertaining and approaching the objective of more photographical posts, I'd found out different modes of my phone camera and more vibrant filters and modes to use bring my photos to life.
Some of you may have seen some new pictures in most of my posts, just mere sneak peaks actually, a flare of photographic brilliance.
Yet still, I was aching for an occurrence, a happening where I could openly take pictures and have fun while doing them, knowing they would be enough to make a post just about pictures.
A post where the pictures are the characters, the pictures are the prompts, the pictures are the story.
I know of course that such blessed moments happen quite regularly, yet it takes just an instance, just a moment, to take the hint and seize the opportunity.
I had the moment and seized the opportunity today, just in front of my house road.


Today was a rather eventful day...
From the long stressful hours spent in a queue to register a course in my school, to the two hours trying to understand what the fluff my lecturer was saying

Screaming in academic danger

It was clear that I was pooped, felt wrangled and washed and had no idea what I was going to write about today.
Untill I came across this...


The first thing I noticed, was the red tape which blocked the road and signaled construction in progress

A moment of photography that I forgot to take and I apologize for.

Then I came across this heavy vehicle slathering sand over the road, filling the potholes and making everything smooth.


The road has been in bad shape for a while now, it's condition detoriating over time and it seemed like the community had decided on doing something about it during the August break.
My coming onto this vehicle was rather shocking, because I didn't catch wind of the construction nor noticed any sign of construction when I left.
Regardless, the shock didn't stop me from grabbing some pics in different filter and catching the vehicle having different looks...


I was tired and I had attracted stares -didn't know if taking pictures were allowed- so I decided to walk on, hoping I'd see more action along the way.
A further steps down and I was rewarded...


A roller slept unused, probably waiting for the sand slathering truck (let's call it that till someone in the comments corrects me) to finish its job before it rolls over and straighten things out.


I took a picture of it in black and white because I thought it would look interestingly different.
It does look a bit dead and abandoned now though 😂😂

I walked a few ways and didn't see any other vehicles till I'd reach my street, I stood aloof for a minute, wondering if I'd have to build something with so few characters.
Then a truck with a barrel full of sand literally honked at me to get out of the way as there were business to be done further down the road...

Of course, I followed and I was rewarded with a full road...

Or rather an empty road, as everything had been cleared and covered with sand.
This was even more surprising as this bit of the road has been waterlogged and had been taken as something of a very low stream.
I walked on, noticing how squishy the sand felt under my slippers, the truck in the distance is the one who honked at me..


It seemed to be in some trouble in getting off the sand.

Serves it right 👍

I noticed some other heavy duty machines too...
Like this pump that had finished its work early and was just sitting down waiting for when it'll be free to go get a cup of coffee...


Or whatever pumps do when they aren't pumping things around...

I also noticed a piece of the ground that had been broken up, destroyed and moved to a corner to make up for the new road.
I put this in black and white for there's no better filter for destruction than monochrome.


The last image is the last character that was caught in a very awesome pose.
I have to admit, in the squishy sand, unfavorable terrain and trying to avoid workers and some discomforting glances, getting this picture in such good quality without tripping, few stumbles and little to no panting is quite remarkable.


After this, I was content and my stomach was growling so it was time to head on home.
My shoes muddy, my heart racing, but my gallery full and heart filled with photographic ecstacy.✨
The road making and construction noise carried on well into 7pm and I'm sure they'd be back tomorrow.
It would be awesome if the road was truly fixed and I'll be able to have a drive without my brain rattling out of my head😂