[EN/PT-BR] Love and Sacrifice.

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A very interesting topic that we should always stop and think about is the sacrifices we make in our lives, in the incessant search to live in peace, whether with ourselves, friends, family or the person we choose to live with, even May death do us part, in sickness and in health and this is what I would really like to share with my fellow readers, my opinion on love and sacrifice.

After more than 9 years living with my wife, I reached a point that I never thought I would reach, which is to understand that love also means sacrificing a lot of things that I like to do, see, interact with or invest my time in. It may seem bad to write this way, but it's just the pure essence of what I currently feel. Coexistence is not easy, living as a couple, with your wife/husband and children is not easy for people, who still have a life to conquer.

Love in soap operas and films is something incredible, being a man, we look for a woman who is a companion, who is someone who is with us all the time, supporting and advising whenever possible, but perhaps the reality is a little less than that. and yes, more disappointing, to the point where you understand that it's not because a person loves you, that they will support you in everything, that they will understand you in everything and will be there, always living by your side and doing everything to help you. to please. If you achieved this, congratulations, because I had to go through this phase and discover that I was not awarded this.


Love and sacrifice go together, at all times and lately I have been sacrificing myself more and more, maybe this is wrong, maybe I should impose myself more, but as I said, I just seek peace in my relationship. My wife is very hard-headed, she hardly listens to me or does what I say, maybe because she doesn't study much (I have a higher education degree and she only finished high school), maybe it's how her family raised her, I don't really know, I just I know that differences of ideas are almost daily, while I talk about saving and making investments, she is worried about which fast food we will order today.

She's not a horrible person so, far from it, I feel love for her and I love her more than anything, but every day is a day of sacrifice, because I'm usually the one who gives in. The search for peace in the relationship is mine and of course she won't accept that, but I know very well that I'm the one who chases it, who tries to talk, who tries to be patient and everything else. No, I'm not unhappy, but there's always that taste that could be better, could be much more wonderful if I simply didn't have to sacrifice myself alone every single day.

I'm at the stage where when you start to disagree, I simply remain silent and accept it, I listen, if she says that 2 + 2 are 5 (in the figurative sense) I just say that she's right and I have peace. They can't even specify what sacrifice I make to maintain peace in my relationship, because it is simply daily, it has multiple occurrences during the day. Here we even have a song that says something similar to “like two knives cutting each other, trying to show who is stronger”, I think that's how our relationship is.

Anyway, that's what love is, it's beyond all the good things, the bad things and the sacrifices, giving up being right, learning to remain silent even when we want to say everything we think, giving in, relationships are like that, complex, but, I know that the love always wins in the end.




Um tema bem interessante e que devemos parar para pensar sempre é sobre os sacrifícios que fazemos em nossa vida, na busca incessante de viver em paz, seja para com a nossa própria pessoa, amigos, família ou a pessoa que escolhemos para viver juntos, até que a morte nos separe, na saúde e na doença e sobre isso que gostaria muito de compartilhar com meus amigos leitores, minha opinião sobre o amor e sacrifício.

Após mais de 9 anos vivendo com a minha esposa, cheguei em um ponto que nunca pensei que chegaria, sendo este o de compreender que amar também é sacrificar um monte de coisas que gosto de fazer, ver, interagir ou investir o meu tempo. Pode parecer ruim escrever dessa forma, mas é apenas a pura essência do que sinto atualmente. Convivência não é fácil, viver a dois, com sua esposa/marido e filhos não é fácil para as pessoas, que ainda têm uma vida para conquistar.

O amor nas novelas e filmes é algo incrível, sendo homem, buscamos uma mulher que seja companheira, que seja alguém que esteja junto de nós o tempo todo, apoiando e aconselhando sempre que possível, mas, talvez a realidade seja um pouco menos que isso e sim, mais decepcionante, ao ponto de você entender que não é porque uma pessoa te ama, que ela vai te apoiar em tudo, que ela vai te compreender em tudo e estará ali, sempre vivendo ao seu lado e fazendo de tudo para te agradar. Se você conquistou isso, parabéns, porque tive que passar por essa fase e descobrir que eu não fui contemplado com isso.


Amor e sacrifício andam juntos, a todo momento e ultimamente tenho me sacrificado cada vez mais, talvez isso seja errado, talvez eu devesse me impor mais, mas como dito, apenas busco a paz em meu relacionamento. Minha esposa é cabeça dura demais, dificilmente me escuta ou faz o que falo, talvez pelo pouco estudo dela (tenho uma graduação superior e ela terminou apenas o ensino médio), talvez seja como a família dela criou ela, eu não sei bem, só sei que as divergências de ideias são quase que diárias, enquanto falo de economizar e fazer investimentos, ela está preocupada com qual fast food pediremos hoje.

Ela não é uma pessoa horrível por isso, longe disso, eu sinto amor dela e eu amo ela mais que tudo, mas todo dia é um dia de sacrifício, porque geralmente quem cede sou eu. A busca pela paz no relacionamento é minha e é claro que ela não irá aceitar isso, mas sei bem que sou eu que corro atrás, que tento conversar, que tenta ter paciência e tudo mais. Não, não sou infeliz, mas fica sempre aquele gosto que podia ser melhor, podia ser muito mais maravilhoso se simplesmente eu não tivesse que me sacrificar sozinho todo santo dia.

Estou na fase que quando começos a discordar, simplesmente fico calado e aceito, escuto, se ela fala que 2 + 2 são 5 (no sentido figurado) apenas falo que ela tem razão e eu tenho a paz. Nem têm como especificar qual sacrifício faço para manter a paz no meu relacionamento, porque ele simplesmente é diário, é de múltiplas ocorrências durante o dia. Aqui até temos uma música que diz algo parecido com “como duas facas se cortando, buscando mostrar quem é mais forte”, acho que é assim que é o nosso relacionamento.

Enfim, amor é isso, é além de tudo de bom, as coisas ruins e os sacrifícios, renunciar estar certo, aprender a ficar calado mesmo quando queremos dizer tudo o que pensamos, ceder, relacionamentos são assim, complexos, mas, sei que o amor sempre vence no final.



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That's the way marriage works unfortunately. You learn which battles are worth the effort and the other you do your best to accept and ignore. In the end you want to keep her happy or your life can be very unhappy if she isn't. Life is nothing like the movies, that's for sure!


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I understand you. I think you must find a complement in your partner, not just sacrifice like Elton John 😅 talking more seriously, I think talking is the main tool to keep the relationship health, otherwise you may end find it frustrating with time. Generally what I find attractive on my partner is the admiration she generates on me, my partner has to complement me in some way, and let me be while I let her be.

You said what I really think about a relationship, unfortunately things don't always go as planned 😔, but talking is the best way, always try to expose what is good or bad for the relationship and from there try to improve, I totally agree with you.

We've talked a few times, a lot of things have improved, others are still affecting me and hurting me, but it's a daily work, I continue so that both improve.


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Love is indeed about making sacrifices because we can't always be on the same page with our spouse but I believe in having healthy discussion to make things clear.

Embracing peace by making sacrifices is something inevitable in relationships.

Embracing peace by making sacrifices is something inevitable in relationships.

I believe it's simply that, peace in a relationship is built that way, if no one gives in, it's always fighting and problems between the two.

Wow. I’m speechless. This is way deeper than I expected. I don’t even know what to comment because this hit me hard and made me wonder if my partner sacrifices too much. Am I sacrificing too much?

And I understand that part of being happy despite it all. There are people who are so content with giving. I was thinking just a few days ago about how ironic it is to categorise a relationship between a giver and a taker as symbiotic. But there are people who are just willing to let it go. Let it slide. Be there. Expecting nothing in return.

For some reason I can’t name, I’m proud of you 😅😂

Relationships are always complicated, I've never had much luck with them and with my wife at the moment, I have a daughter and a son, we've been together for 9 years (since 2015) and we love each other, I believe that, but even so, it still feels like something is missing, perhaps a little more affection and sacrifice from her too.

I don't like to measure who does more of this or that, it wears down the relationship too much, but I always feel that I sacrifice more, that I have to keep quiet more often to keep the peace... it's strange.

That's what love is, it's good and bad at the same time.

Why not talk with her then?

Maybe… just maybe (we never know) she’ll see things when you lay them down. Perhaps giving in too much is what encourages her behaviour.

We've talked so many times, I don't know if one more conversation would do the trick. She's very hard-headed, I am too, but I lose out to her in this respect.

My situation is complicated, but that's what I've been going through, just trying not to generate any more fights and arguments, hoping that one day we'll be able to align ourselves properly.

Ahhh. Will not push any more. Hehe. You know best how it is.

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ai, como eu queria que o @michupa não estivesse aqui pra poder falar sobre meu relacionamento também. kkkkk zoas mas amar realmente é isso, anda lado a lado com o sacrifício. acho que por isso q muitos relacionamentos não duram, não é todo mundo que está disposto a se sacrificar um pouco pelo outro

Pode parecer meio tenso falar assim da minha esposa sem dar a ela a chance de se defender, mas é complicado em certos momentos, os sacrifícios que tenho que fazer, as coisas que tenho que aguentar, é ruim para mim em certo ponto, porque eu gostaria de conversar com ela (mais do que ja conversei) e que ela realmente focasse em mudar, eu ficaria muito feliz com essa mudança. 😅

Pode falar a vontade eu nem leio os seus posts mesmo kkkk 😂😅

ai, que tirada kkkkkkk toma, distraída

o louco ao vivo kkkkk

tá vendo como eu sou tratada? KKKKKKKKK

to vendo, acho paia kkk 🤣

É brincadeirinha kkk nem que obrigado por conta da curadoria, mas eu leio


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