There are gifts in the church. There are spiritual gifts which are meant for the growth of the church. The Holy Spirit gives certain spiritual gifts to members of the church which are for the edification and nourishment of the body of Christ. The church operates on the operations of these gifts. Everyone of us has one gift or the other which is for the help of the church.
Among the gifts of the spirit is speaking in tongues. Speaking in tongues was manifested first when the Holy Spirit first come upon the early believers who were waiting for the power of the Holy Spirit as the Lord Jesus Christ instructed. They speak in other languages which were different from their own mother tongues.
There are several practices of speaking in tongues which are not in accordance to the original practice from the Holy Spirit. There are different ways that people speak in tongues these days. They speak different things according to their own instinct. Some speak out of their flesh and human crafting. The true speaking in tongues comes from the Holy Spirit.
The speaking in tongues which the Bible talks about is speaking from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.