The US Society Is Collapsing

in #hive-1679222 months ago

The recent assassination attempt on former President and current presidential candidate Donald Trump has underscored the profound divisions within American society. This incident, while fortunately unsuccessful, reflects a nation deeply polarized and on edge. The motives behind the attempt remain unclear, yet the implications are evident: the United States is grappling with unprecedented internal strife.

The previous elections, especially the events at the Capitol, highlighted the deep fractures within the American populace. Trump's presidency and his continued influence exemplify the sway of populism, particularly among lower-income communities who feel disenfranchised and are more susceptible to charismatic leaders promising change. Despite Trump's controversial tenure, his ability to manipulate media and public perception is unmatched, a skill he demonstrated once again following the assassination attempt.

In the wake of the attempt, Trump's response was immediate and calculated. His defiant stance, symbolized by his raised fist and the chant of "fight, fight, fight," resonated powerfully with many undecided voters. This display of strength, juxtaposed with President Biden's perceived frailty due to age, has potentially swayed public opinion dramatically in Trump's favor. It's a stark reminder of how optics and media savvy can influence political fortunes, regardless of the actual policies or actions of a candidate.

If the elections were imminent, Trump's resurgence might lead to a landslide victory, driven by the powerful imagery of resilience and vigor he projected. This scenario underscores a critical aspect of American democracy: the electorate's tendency to be swayed by personality and perceived strength rather than substantive governance.

The broader implications of this event extend beyond the immediate electoral consequences. The visible rift in American society signifies a nation at a crossroads, with its democratic institutions and societal cohesion under strain. The world is watching as the United States navigates these turbulent times, recognizing the potential for global instability if America's internal conflicts continue to escalate.

Historically, the fall of great powers has often precipitated widespread turmoil and conflict, and the current trajectory of American politics raises concerns about the future. The division and polarization within the U.S. not only threaten its domestic stability but also have far-reaching implications for global peace and security.

As an observer, one can't help but feel a sense of foreboding. The American dream, once a beacon of hope and democracy, now appears tarnished by the harsh realities of political and social fragmentation. The challenge for the United States is not just to navigate this electoral cycle but to address the underlying issues that have led to such deep divisions.

The assassination attempt on Trump is a stark reminder of the volatility of the current political climate. It is a call to action for leaders and citizens alike to seek common ground, to heal the rifts, and to restore faith in the democratic process. The alternative, as history has shown, could be a descent into chaos and conflict that would have dire consequences for America and the world.

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@tipu curate

Not just America, the entire civilized world is divided. Thanks to nonsensical ideologies which, on the one hand, deny the laws of nature, they also deny the basic economic principles of a market economy, where the poor become poorer and the rich become richer. Who knows where all this will lead

I don’t believe that this is happening to the entire world but the phenomenon is spreading.

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Really? If anything I feel like this just made the US a little more unified and moving once again on the right path. Having a weak frail man running the country is what's fractured us more then ever and made the rest of the world look at the USA as weak.

I think that a weak frail man won the last election showed that were already fractured.

Yes they all condemned the shooting but what led to this was the polarisation between Biden and trump and the supporters. Well I believe that Biden was a really good president because it showed the world that the US is present at the world stage but he has to step down now because his health it’s not good for a job like this

If anyone votes Biden again I'd have to say they have a few screws loss lol That doesn't mean you have to vote Trump but there's no way that man is fit to run the country or be the face of the country for another 4 years. Plus these people are figureheads the real strings get pulled by around 500 people who you hardly ever hear about.

He has capitalized on his assassination attempts to put himself in a good position and buy some emotional support, I think the US electorates are going to be having a tough decision on who to eventually botee for.

I could not believe it when I heard it. Crazy times. I agree that this will help Trump and he gets elected.

Yes I also thought to be a joke at first

I still can't believe it but I saw some clips of it. 😱

As a voting member of the U.S. electorate, I agree with much of what you say. We are certainly at a crossroads. This election may be the end of democracy, as we have known it (no matter how imperfect it has been). That statement, end of democracy, is not hyperbole. Trump (who seems to be destined to win because an old man won't move over--I'm old, I can say that) has promised many times an end to democracy. He has promised to upend the Constitution. He has promised to become a dictator on Day #1. He has promised that with the engine of government he will prosecute his personal agenda, whether that be vindication or avarice. Somehow, the people who are voting for him don't hear this. Or, maybe they are weary of democracy. Maybe the tumble of it all, the free fall into electoral disorder every four years seems dangerous to them. I don't know. I've learned not to try and put myself in the minds of others.

However....Don't take the assassination attempt too seriously. It's in our blood. We have been assassinating, or attempting to assassinate, our presidents throughout our history. The first successful attempt was Abraham Lincoln in 1865, but someone tried to kill Andrew Jackson in 1835 before that. We're a gun culture. That's how we settle differences, with a gun.

Also, as for the divisions in the country. Nothing new there. We were crudely knitted together by compromise at the very start. You had northerners and southerners, country folk and city folk, small states and large states, farmers and businessmen. There were serious rebellions from the very start (Ex: Whiskey Rebellion). We have never been a unified country. We fought a civil war because of the differences. Every election there are red states and blue states, with people that have radically different views of government.

What's different this time is that so many people are willing to give up on democracy. So many people think it is a tired idea. So many people are willing to give up the rights others died for. That's what is unique about our time.

In 1787 Benjamin Franklin was asked, at the writing of our Constitution, whether the government formed was a republic or a monarchy. His answer, "A republic, if you care to keep it".

It seems that many people in this country--Trump voters--do not care to keep it.

It’s like the US is being hold together by the dollar and the desire to be world dominant

Of course I'm looking at it up close, and that may distort my perspective, but I think it's something else that holds us together--and tears us apart. Almost more than any other nation, the United States is held together by an idea. The nation was formed by an idea. We just don't agree on how to be loyal to that idea. Everybody waves a flag. Everybody is patriotic, but we all mean something different by patriotism. We haven't been around long enough to have a racial, or even ethnic identity. We share an ideal, but we can't agree on what that ideal is. So we fight over whether religion or agnosticism is part of the idea. Whether equality of opportunity, or untrammeled ambition are essential to the idea. We all want freedom here, but can't agree on what freedom is. We are more than our money, or our will to dominate--although making money is essential to our national ethos, and dominating (Manifest Destiny, for example, and Dollar Diplomacy) have been an important part of our history. We are driven by an idea of what it means to be an "American". This is Donald Trump's emotional appeal. He claims to represent true Americans. He claims to be taking "America" back. Back from whom? From those who don't agree with his ideas.

Honestly I was shocked when I heard the news, Americans where viewed as gods back in the days, presently they are being more animalistic especially like wolves, in killing the alpha you become the alpha, the problem here is they are forgetting what the responsibility of an alpha and how we humans overcome challenges.

Humans are well known for our social nature, which makes it easy to know we can't survive without one another, which makes everyone and everything they do important, so instead of seeking entitlement to be in places of power above the welfare of the people we should be looking to putting the welfare first and have a healthy competition which wouldn't cost much and will still be a win win regardless if you win or not because the country still improves.

Empires rise and fall throughout history, and America is no different. If you zoom out on the nation and look at their rising crime, unsustainable financial situation, dysfunctional dating/relationships, and overall depravity it's pretty obvious that it's in a late-stage empire collapse. Not to single out the US here, because this applies to most countries in the west that are under America's influence. I admire Trump's bravery, but the best he can do at this point is manage the crisis that is about to unfold. I think ultimately the country fractures like the Soviet Union did and we end up with decentralized colonies (built on crypto).

Yes growth and the good times cannot continue forever.