Holiday hot pot menu at our house

in #hive-117778last month

Hello, today we are making food for ourselves at home. Our menu is also a menu for the holiday, Mother's Day. The national day of Thailand is the 12th day of the 8th month of every year. It is also Mother's Day for Thai people. Today we also So we cook food for ourselves as a family. Today's menu is That is, hot pot sukiyaki has both spicy and non-spicy versions. It will be red, there will be meatballs, there will be sausage, there will be meat, there will be dumplings. There's tofu, there's tofu sheets, there's glass noodles, there's golden needle mushrooms. Various vegetables and entrails in sukiyaki hot pot, we can You can put whatever you like in it and eat it today in our house. I will put it as you see it and there will be crab sticks as well. We had fish balls and put everything in the pot. You can eat it when everything is cooked. It is eaten with Khao dipping sauce or dipping sauce that has a spicy flavor. It's as sour as we like to eat it. Sukiyaki sauce. Hot pots are generally available for sale, there are many brands. Whatever brand you like, you can buy it in a convenient store. You can buy it in Thailand, it's sold almost everywhere. Whether it's a 7-Eleven or a general convenience store. Or in department stores there will be hot pot sukiyaki sauce. There are many brands for sale. Today's part is ours. It is a Mala chili sauce that is spicy and Fragrant and delicious, eaten with sukiyaki hot pot is very delicious. As for children who don't eat spicy food, the youngest child will. It's a normal sukiyaki soup with no chilli.

Older adults will eat it with chili. Friends will try it.

Let's eat it. It's very delicious.