in #hive-1707982 months ago

It started to rain while I was at the market, sometime back. Fortunately for me, I had gone with an umbrella. But first, due to the high wind intensity, I stayed back at a customer's shop waiting for the rainfall to reduce a little so I don't have to struggle with firmly holding my umbrella and managing with the things that I had gotten.


It rained heavily and people were beginning to come out of the places that provided them shade.

At the pedestrian bridge, I watched this woman, drenched, she had two 'bagco' bags that looked really heavy. She'd struggle with the bags, dragging them and stopping after climbing five treads. People just passed, everyone trying to get to their destination hastily.

I walked up to where she was, tapped her and asked to help carry it.
She heaved a sigh and said "Thank you, my son".
She followed me closely and then when we got down, she thanked me. I asked if it was okay, she said yes. I dropped it and walked away.

Over the weekend, I went to the market and while walking through the very busy aisle, my eyes caught a really nice hoodie. I walked to the shop, a young enthusiastic lady welcomed me with a smile.

"Customer, yes, that one will fit you well."

"How much?" I asked.

"It's 25k. You can look at it. It's original o and it's made of thick material. Original Adidas," she was persuading.

"How much last?" I asked.

She paused.
"How much will you be willing to pay?" she questioned.

"10k" I stated.

She chuckled.
"10k? For Original Adidas sweater? You can't get this grade for that price."

"Would you take 15k?" I bargained.

"To save both our times, take it for 20k last," she said

"Ahn-ahn, that's still a lottle over my budget. How about 17k?" I pleaded.

She looked into the store and called,
"Mummy, will you sell for 17k," She pointed at the hoodie.

"No o, how much was the cost price that I'll sell for that amount," A voice said from the store and then out came a woman.

"Sir, i can't sell for 17k, its 20k last. Things are now expensive"

Then she stopped, staring at me closely for a while as if examining my face and then, she tapped my shoulder and laughed.

"Ahn ahn, see you! We meet again. Today you have come to my shop. What are you doing in the market?"

I recognized her. The woman from the other day I helped carry her bag.
She told the younger lady how I helped her carry her bag. That one smiled.

"Bring 10k." She gestured.
And then folded a pair of grey combat shorts into a bag and then put the hoodie in.

After I paid, she tapped my arm and said "Thank you for that day, you are a good person. God bless you"
I smiled and then walked in further into the market

I've had similar experiences as this, over and over, enough to know that kindness always finds it's way back.

It does, best believe.


Thanks for stopping by.


It doesn't change our name when we show kindness. There is a scripture that something like this happened (the man who was robbed, beaten, and thrown by the roadside. Everybody walked past him, and only the good Samaritan was willing to lend a helping hand)

If we all showed a little kindness, the world would be a better place. You're a kind person, @supernova004 and your reward is far more than what the woman gave you.

I dont think anyone moved past her, noticed her weakness, and chose not to be helpful. They were all running for cover.

Nonetheless, these words of yours are very heart-warming. Im delighted by them. Thank you so much.

You received your reward for helping, I have always believed that everything we do to others comes back to us in one way or another.

Thanks for sharing your experience.
Excellent Wednesday.

Be it good or bad, some way, somehow, it finds its way to us. That's right.
Thank you for coming around.
