[ESP/ENG] St. John the Evangelist Church

in #hive-17870825 days ago


Friends of #architectureanddesign , I wish you an excellent day.
Today I want to share with you a beautiful church that captured my attention, “San Juan Evangelista” located in Juan Griego in the Marcano municipality of Nueva Esparta state, on Margarita Island.
I was walking through the streets of Juan Griego, a city that I consider beautiful and growing, in one of its streets, I could see this beautiful church “San Juan Evangelista”. Its gothic style, uncommon in our days, attracted me immediately.

Amigos de #architectureanddesign , les deseo un excelente día.
Hoy quiero compartir con ustedes una hermosa iglesia que capturó mi atención, “San Juan Evangelista” ubicada en Juan griego en el municipio Marcano del estado Nueva Esparta, en Isla Margarita.
Me encontraba caminando por las calles de Juan Griego, una ciudad que considero hermosa y en crecimiento, en una de sus calles, pude ver esta hermosa iglesia "San Juan Evangelista". Su estilo gótico, poco común en nuestros días, me atrajo de inmediato.


The church features a beautiful entrance with three arches and a large arched wooden door. I was happy to see that the doors were open, which would allow me to explore inside. I don't always have the opportunity to visit this township, as it is quite far from my home and seeing its doors open filled me with great excitement.

La iglesia presenta una entrada hermosa con tres arcos y una gran puerta de madera en forma de arco. Me alegró ver que las puertas estaban abiertas, lo que me permitiría explorar su interior. No siempre tengo la oportunidad de visitar este municipio, ya que queda bastante lejos de mi casa y ver sus puertas abiertas me llenó de gran emoción.






Upon entering, I was fascinated by the church's unique roof. Its straight shape in the center and the slope at the ends, built entirely with wooden beams and tongue and groove, very well cared for, was a marvel.

Al entrar, quedé fascinado por el singular techo de la iglesia. Su forma recta en el centro y la inclinación en los extremos, construido completamente con vigas de madera y machimbrado, muy bien cuidado, era una maravilla.



The chandeliers hung from the wooden beams that crossed his great hall forming figures that looked like crosses, the lamps were placed at prudent distances which provided a good illumination.

Las lámparas de candelabro colgaban de las vigas de madera que atravesaban su gran salón formando unas figuras que parecían cruces, las lámparas estaban colocadas a distancias prudenciales lo que proporcionaban una buena iluminación.


The circles on the wall, very close to the ceiling were covered with glass very well devoured, contributing to the good lighting, as the light passed through the glass easily, creating a very pleasant atmosphere.

Los círculos en la pared, muy cerca del techo estaban cubiertos de cristal muy bien devorados, contribuyendo a la buena iluminación, ya que la luz pasaba a través de los vidrios con facilidad, creando un ambiente muy agradable.


In addition to the three huge doors, the church has four beautiful carved wooden windows on the upper part, on the lower part fine louvers, with a delicate trellis that protect them with elegance.

Además de las tres enormes puertas, la iglesia cuenta con cuatro hermosas ventanas de madera talladas en la parte superior, en la inferior finas persianas, con un delicado enrejado que las protegen con elegancia.



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Inside, the large brick-clad arches rest on huge columns painted in light colors, creating a contrast with the brick arches.

En el interior, los grandes arcos vestidos de ladrillos descansan sobre enormes columnas pintadas en colores claros, creando un contraste con los arcos de ladrillo.

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At the end of the main aisle was a beautiful archway with the words “I am the way, the truth, the life”. This arch leads you to the pulpit, where the priest preaches.

En el pasillo principal se encontraba al final un hermoso arco con las palabras "Yo soy el camino, la verdad, la vida" , este arco te lleva al púlpito, donde el padre predica.


The floor of the church varies: some areas have gray slabs, while others take on a green hue.

El piso de la iglesia varía: algunas áreas tienen losas grises, mientras que otras toman una tonalidad verde.




In the side aisles, I found rows of pews and niches of important parishioners from other eras, attached to the wall. Although I could not take many photographs out of respect for the faithful, I was impressed by the beauty and history that permeated every corner.

En los pasillos laterales, encontré filas de bancos y nichos de feligreses importantes de otras épocas, pegados a la pared. Aunque no pude tomar muchas fotografías por respeto a los fieles, quedé impresionado por la belleza y la historia que impregnaban cada rincón.



On one of its walls was a beautiful wood and stained glass door leading to the bell tower. According to a parishioner, only the priest and the authorized person can ring the bell in this area.

En una de sus paredes se encontraba una hermosa puerta de madera y cristal de colores que conduce al campanario. Según una feligresa, solo el padre y la persona autorizada pueden tocar la campana en esta área.


Both its exterior and interior are painted mostly in white and in some places they used cream and light green, which contrasts very well in this architectural work.

Tanto su exterior como interior son pintados mayormente de blanco en algunos puntos usaron el color crema y verde claro que contrasta todo muy bien en esta obra arquitectónica.




Well dear friends, I consider the church “San Juan Evangelista” an architectural treasure that deserves to be admired. I hope you liked this description as much as I did.
I wish you an excellent day and hope to see you in my future publications.
See you soon!

Bueno queridos amigos, la iglesia "San Juan Evangelista" considero que es un tesoro arquitectónico que merece ser admirado. Espero que esta descripción les haya gustado tanto como a mí.
Les deseo un excelente día y espero verlos en mis futuras publicaciones.
¡Hasta pronto!

The photos were taken with a Redmi Note 13
DeepeL was used
Photos was made with Inshot


Oh dear @taniagonzalez it is really beautiful this church, its facade is gorgeous. The photos are spectacular, I loved the photo where you can appreciate the sunrays when entering the church through its stained glass windows, very beautiful🥰.

Thank you dear @mayramalu, I'm glad you liked the pictures, this church since I set foot inside it, it captivated me.
I'm glad you liked its beautiful architecture.
Happy weekend 🌹🌷🌷🌻🌼🪻🏵️💮🌸🪷🌺🥀💐🍀

Waoo amazing @taniagonzalez

I'm glad you will like this beautiful Church, happy weekend 🌹🌷🪻🌻🌼🏵️💮🌸🪷🌺🥀💐🍀

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Thanks for the support 🌹🌷🌷🌻🌼🪻🌷🌷🌻🏵️💮🌸🪷🌺🥀💐🍀

Hey @taniagonzalez you are welcome.
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Que hermosa iglesia hermana, con una arquitectura impresionante , adoré esos hermosos arcos de ladrillos 🧱 es lo más atractivo para mí , es que nunca los había visto en una iglesia 👌🏽❤️

What a beautiful sister church, with impressive architecture, I adored those beautiful brick arches it is the most attractive thing for me, I have never seen them in a church 👌🏽❤️

Hermana @lileisabel, entrar en esta Iglesia me dejó sin aliento por su bella arquitectura, coincidimos en el punto de los ladrillos que adornan esos bellos arcos, es fascinante.
Me alegra que te gusten estas iglesias y las fotografías.
Gracias por tu apoyo, feliz día 🌹🌷🌻🌼🪻🏵️💮🌸🪷🌺🥀💐🍀

Sister @lileisabel, entering this Church was breathtaking for me because of its beautiful architecture, we agree on the point of the bricks adorning those beautiful arches, it is fascinating.
I'm glad you like these churches and the photographs.
Thanks for your support, happy day 🌹🌷🌻🌼🪻🏵️💮🌸🪷🌺🥀💐🍀

Amazing photography stuff here @taniagonzalez friend!!!

!discovery shots

Thank you dear friend @jlinaresp, for the support 🌹🌷🌻🌼🪻🏵️💮🌸🪷🌺🥀💐🍀

!gif applause


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Hola Tania , hermosa y antigua iglesia está en Juan griego

Es una iglesia extraordinaria, cautivó mi atención con solo ver sus altas torres desde lejos.
Gracias querido amigo @albertocova, por visitar mi blog y dejar siempre un lindo comentario .
Feliz noche 🌹🌷🌷🌻🌼🪻🏵️💮🌸🪷🌺🥀💐🍀

It is an extraordinary church, it captivated my attention just by seeing its tall towers from afar.
Thank you dear friend @albertocova, for visiting my blog and always leaving a nice comment .
Happy evening 🌹🌷🌷🌻🌼🪻🏵️💮🌸🪷🌺🥀💐🍀

Un abrazo eres una gran hiver digna de mi admiración


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Hello friend, the interior of the church is beautiful, I love the arches with bricks, they are similar to those I have seen in the castle San Antonio de la Eminencia, the circular windows and its colorful stained glass are a nice decoration for the temple.

Have a great weekend!

Dear @belkyscabrera, I am pleased to know that you liked this beautiful church, its brick arches are very beautiful, I loved them, thank you for your nice words of support.
Happy night 🌹🌷🌷🪻🌻🌼🏵️💮🌸🪷🌺🥀💐🍀

What beautiful arches! It is majestic and that immaculate white makes it stand out even more, I love this structure, the wooden ceiling so well cared for and everything, precious, there is a peace in it.

It is a Church. Thank you @donaaczib for visiting my blog and leaving this excellent comment, happy start of the week 🌹🌷🪻🌻🌼🏵️💮🌸🪷🌺🥀💐🍀

No sabía que en Venezuela había una iglesia de estilo gótico en Juan griego 🙀, la verdad es que son dos polos opuestos, el mar y las hermosas y calidas playas de Juan griego con el estilo oscuro y misterioso de lo gótico jejeje, pero así es nuestro bello país, lleno de contrastes 😁. Veo que está muy bien cuidada, una vez fuí a Juan griego pero en la parte que están las tiendas y el malecón donde la gente se sienta a ver los atardeceres, no recuerdo haber visto algo así allí aunque tampoco exploré mucho la zona 😕 porque llegamos en la tarde y paseamos un rato mientras llegaba la hora del atardecer 🌄.
Bellas fotos, saludos 😺🤘🏻🤗

Gracias querida @gatubela, por tu lindo comentario.
Juan Griego, es hermoso, esta vez pude caminar por sus calles y por eso encontré esta hermosa iglesia, en un entrecalle de la calle principal de la ciudad.
Fue una experiencia hermosa y llena de contrastes.
Le deseo una linda semana 🌹🌷🌷🪻🌻🌼🏵️💮🌸🪷🌺🥀💐🍀

Igualmente 🌻 🤗

Greetings @taniagonzalez. Your detailed descriptions of this gorgeous church is truly admirable. You have a keen eye for architectural observations indeed. As a result, your various experiences of this sacred environment were heartfully felt. Thank you for showing us another marvelous project from Venezuela! ☺️

Thanks to you @storiesoferne , for having this beautiful space where we can describe beautiful places with different architectures, anywhere in the world.
I feel turned off by your words and very happy to post in your community.
Happy start of the week 🌹🌷🌷🪻🌻🌼🏵️💮🌸🪷🌺🥀💐🍀

White is an immaculate color, and is symbolic of divinity. Their choice of applying this pure tone to most surfaces of this beautiful church was an excellent approach. What a stunning landmark @taniagonzalez! ☺️

I really liked this church in particular for its style and its arches lined with bricks in the interior I had never seen anything like it, all very contrasting with the white color.
Thank you @archmoments for your nice words, happy day 🌹🌷🪻🌻🌻🌼🏵️💮🌸🪷🌺🥀💐🍀

I like the material and the design of the roof. The varnish looks clean and well maintained, plus the classic chandelier. What a beautiful church.

It's a very beautiful church, thank you for your nice words 🌹🌷🪻🌻🌼🏵️💮🌸🪷🌺🥀💐🍀

What a beautiful temple! I would love to visit it, I hope to be able to go to Margarita Island, because I have never visited it even though I live in Venezuela. The most striking thing is the luminosity it has, both natural and by the beautiful chandeliers that adorn it; this feature attracts me a lot in the temples. Thank you for sharing it, blessed greetings!

Que hermoso templo! me encantaria conocerla, espero poder ir a la isla de Margarita, pues nunca la he visitado a pesar de vivir en Venezuela. Lo más llamó mi atención es la luminosidad que tiene, tanto natural como por las hermosas lamparas que la adornan; esa característica me atrae mucho en los templos. Gracias por compartirlo, saludos bendecidos!

Cuando apenas tengas la oportunidad, ven a Margarita no te arrepentirás hay muchos lugares hermosos que ver.
Esta iglesia me llamo mucho la atención, por su hermosa arquitectura me alegro que te haya gustado, feliz semana 🌹🌷🪻🌻🌻🌼🏵️💮🌸🪷🌺🥀💐🍀

When you just have the opportunity, come to Margarita you won't regret it, there are many beautiful places to see.
This church caught my attention, for its beautiful architecture I'm glad you liked it, happy week 🌹🌷🪻🌻🌻🌻🌼🏵️💮🌸🪷🌺🥀💐🍀