Colors and clouds!

in #hive-19491322 days ago



When you think about it seriously with a deeper concentration, flying clouds are a wonder in the nature with its beauty and charm. But many of you look at them with normal eyes, and so they may not seem like much interesting.

Even though life is short, the things we do together are worth more than our lives. We have a lot of different events every day, from morning to night. Both the way we live and the things we do for a living affect our thoughts.

And if we talk about other things, life is much smaller than the universe. In fact, everything after life is the universe and everything that happens in our world. But as people, we never stop trying to figure out how things work so we can understand the secret of our life.



I experience the beauty of the nature I can enjoy during the late afternoon. It was a great moment of the day with great color of the sky and late sun ray.

I just loved all the colours I saw. It was truly amazing. I will always remember that beautiful evening, and I hope to experience more of the same in the future.



Sometimes the most beautiful and amazing things happen to us ofteb, and we never get the chance to experience them as we are not careful enough. Not long ago, I saw something like this happen: the sky changed from what we usually see.

What looked like an ocean of firy colored clouds covered the sky. It was late afternoon, just before it got dark. There was golden light from the sun coming back off the clouds, making the whole world look so beautiful and golden.



Even though the situation didn't last long, I took some pictures on my way back to her office. I also took some other shots from the bridge, which is where I get a higher spot, because the view was so much better there.

There were clouds over the mountains, and the view from my bridge was great. I've never seen such beautiful scenery before. The horizontal view blew my mind, just like the divine beauty you can imagine.



Thanks for your time and attention.
Have a nice day!


The beauty of nature can never be compared to any other thing
This looks beautiful

Yeah, nature is the standard of beauty. Thanks for stopping by!

This is beautiful!

Thanks for stopping by!

asalam alaykum! @tanzil2024 !
The sunset scenery in Beijing is very beautiful and fantastic. Especially when the sun sets over the mountains, the red color spreading across the sky makes it look like the end of the world!

I imagined that the sky would have been that color when the world was first created!

I guess you enjoy watching the sun set on top of a mountain because there are no mountains in Bangladesh!😄

The mountains would create such fantastic sky line and colors!

Don no batt!

I guess you enjoy watching the sun set on top of a mountain because there are no mountains in Bangladesh!😄

This is not the exact case because there are many mountains in Bangladesh though they are not so high and also we have a big lake known as Kaptai Lake in the mountain area which is a popular tourist destination in the country.

In this marked area, there are many mountains the mountains in the east-southern part are the tallest ones in the country and the tallest peak is 1280 m in the Bandarban district of Chattagram Division.

Here I share an overview of the elevation of Bangladesh.
Thanks for your comment.

This is not the exact case because there are many mountains in Bangladesh though they are not so high and also we have a big lake known as Kaptai Lake in the mountain area which is a popular tourist destination in the country.

People who have visited Bangladesh say they only see people on flat land. I wonder about those wonderful Kaptai Lake in the mountain area that Hassan talks about!😄