Another Union Not Realizing What Is Taking Place

in #hive-16792212 days ago

History might not repeat itself but it certainly does rhyme.

It would seem like the lesson provided by the Hollywood writers is not being learned by others.

A little over a year ago, the screen writers went on strike against the Hollywood studios. This coincided with the actors strike.

The problem there was, the writer, did not realize the position they were in. Failure to understand technology means that people are apt to not know what is taking place.

Many thought the union stuck a victory against the studios. People looked at the contract as a benefit to the writers.


When technology is destroying things, a piece of paper doesn't protect anyone.

The writers were screwed. While a few got the higher wages, most ended up out of work. The number of articles in publications like the Los Angeles Times depicting how many of the writers are not finding work is piling up.

Failure to see the demise that is happening screwed them. Of course, the studios are being hit with Warner Bros having to write down $9 billion for its broadcast properties as they are becoming worthless.

This is disruption at its finest.

We are looking at a possible repeat of before.

NY Times Tech Union Looking At A Strike

To start, this is different from the writers' union. Here we are talking about the tech union.

It appears they are considering an election day strike in an effort to have their demands met.

The Times Tech Guild — a union of 600 members, largely software engineers, which operates separately from the newsroom union — voted overwhelmingly to authorize a potential strike, Axios reported earlier this week, dangling the possibility that workers could walk off the job during the election in November.


You have to give them credit, they are choosing a time which likely leverages their position.

However, this is rather short-sighted.

Do they understand what is taking place in the world of media? Are they aware of how rapidly things are changing?

While the technical people are much different from the writers, who are not involved in this in any way, the outcome is still the same.

When you have legacy industries that are struggling to hang on, any tipping of the scales could accelerate the decline.

Think back 18 months, how many thought Hollywood was going over a cliff? Today, it is clear as day.

Of course, newspapers took it on the chin decades ago. It would see like there is a great deal of confidence the industry is on firm footing.

The End Of Media As We Know It

Whatever happens here, it will be short lived.

All of media is being disrupted. The NY Times is something that will not likely be around in a decade, at least not in its present form. This is true for most of the present media.

AI is coming onto the scene and it is upsetting everything. People do not seem to believe the scope where the impact will be felt. Of course, as time goes by, reality is starting to set in.

Do not believe for a second that generative AI will not be able to do something in the digital world. The physical realm has its challenges but the digital is much simpler.

It is only a matter of tine before computers can handle most of the tasks humans do, and at a rate above what the majority can achieve.

In other words, the masses will be usurped.

Disruption happens when the interests of the different stakeholders are not aligned. This was catastrophic in the past. With the pace of things these days, we can only imagine how it will turn out.

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In my opinion it might not be very risky to the NY times tech employees, although they will be revolutionarised, they are still software engineers regardless, which means they can man AI's in terms of updates and handling although I believe their high pay will be short lived. Thanks for sharing, we all have to keep up with Technology to understand value, therefore improved investment decisions.

They might not be at risk. Although if the parent is at risk, then it becomes a proposition that isnt as clear cut as it appears.

Traditional media faces a lot of headwinds. Tech workers are also now facing their own challenges.

True, I think they should start preparing for their next engagement to earn a living.