Sublime and Beautiful Sunday some warm colors of fall foliage
This post is for #SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108.
Good Morning I hope your weekend is going well
I was sitting here this mroning at my computer, looking out the window and snow flurries coming down, the skies dull and grey, the falling snow looking nice but seems it will only be a dusting and cold enough for it all to turn icy, I'm happy to not have to gout in it today.
Then I got thinking about what to share in this post and decided soem nice warm colors would go down well for me at least and I found some shots of fall Foliage to share today
NOw I knwo some, perhaps many maybe even most may see falling snow both sublime and beautiful, and I do to a degree seeign it out the window can be lovely, but if its enough one has to shovel, or turns icy and makes walking a challenge to get where you want to go without slippingm I fifnd it not so much fun LOL
but the colors of fall for me with nice temps and the amazing colors of nature they are always sublime and beautiful
Sony A7iv 362mm F8 1/250 Sec ISO 125
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I do think most of these shots are taken on various walks around buttonwood Park here in New Bedford, I am lucky to have such a lovely park pretty close to where I live, it would be a shortish bike ride, but since I dont have a bike, its maybe a five minute probably less drive for me to get there
Sony A7iv 45mm F8 1/200 Sec ISO 100
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Do not really have a lot to say about each of the photos I think for this post the photos talk for themselves far better than I could
Sony A7iv 75mm F4 1/1000 Sec ISO 100
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Sony A7iv 132mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 800
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I love the bokeh on this last one, when it warms up and I get out walking more again, I must use a couple of my viontage lens to try and get some cool shots with nice bokeh
Sony A7iv 112mm F8 1/125 Sec ISO 400
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