Thinking back to warmer days and warmer colors
This post is for #SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108.
We are having a bit of a cold spell at the moment, temps at peak around freezing point, so I have bene hibernating indoors, well I wish I was hibernating, shall I say I have been a hermit stuck indoors, but luckily i have plenty of photos in my archives I can edit and share.
I havent been totally lazy though, instead of heading out for my morning walks I love taking around sunrise, I still am wide awake at 4Am as usual, and about the time I would go out for a walk on a nice day, I head to our sunroom and walk in cicles back and forth around the room, trying to get a minimum of 6K steps in before I hard up onto my computer to edit photos, prepare posts and try and visit other posts, the last one i have been slack on but i need to work on that.
So for today I looked through my photos on Lightroom and picked a few shots from back in Fall where we had warmer days and indeed warmer colors
Starting with this Tulip which I think I saw either at the Haskell Public Grdens or in Buttonwood Park both here in New Bedford
Sony A7iv 31mm F7.1 1/125 Sec ISO 640
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When I import photos into lightroom i always add the location where I took photos, but in this case I went to both spots on one outing and didnt clearly mark where one walk finished and the next started
Sony A7iv 69mm F11 1/160 Sec ISO 100
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This next one is for sure in Haskell Gardens I love these two trees and their colorful blossoms
Sony A7iv 30mm F6.3 1/1000 Sec ISO 100
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And this one i am sure is in Buttonwood Park My Dad always had daffodils in his garden, and for sure had a green thumb both his flower and vege gardens were so well kept and did so well, I didnt inherit a grene thumb from him I will admit
Sony A7iv 62mm F11 1/125 Sec ISO 320
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again not sure where this one was taken
Sony A7iv 31mm F6.3 1/160 Sec ISO 100
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