Hello, Ladies of the Hive Community! It's a pleasure to share my thoughts on one of @ifarmgirl's questions today.
2️⃣ Do you have a favorite family member? If yes, who is it, and what makes your relationship special?
It sounds like my father took on a unique role after my mother died, which strengthened our bond.
Want to know more about how he became my favorite?
Reflecting on those moments, whether they involved his strength, support, or role in keeping our family together, can be therapeutic.
I have a very special bond with my mother. She must have been tough to lose as a mama's girl. However, it's great that my father could assist me during that time.
Grieving for someone we care deeply about while embracing a new, stronger relationship with someone else can be a delicate balance. I'm honoring both relationships uniquely while upholding my mother's love and lessons and growing closer to my father.
The trip appears to be a bittersweet mix of growth, love, and loss. Particular memories of my mother, such as the lessons she taught me or how she cared for me, continue to shape who I am today. However, my relationship with my father reflects her love, as if a piece of her still guides us through him.
Sometimes, it's in the little things—like when my dad says something wise or thoughtful that reminds me of her or when he does something that reflects how she cared for us. It's almost like she left a part of herself in him, and he carries that forward.
And then, sometimes, I face something challenging, and I hear her voice in my head or remember something she taught me. It's comforting, like she's still guiding me, even if she's not physically here.
I imagine those moments must be meaningful when they happen—like little reminders that her love and influence are still part of my life. It's amazing how parents can subtly carry each other's essence, whether through their words, actions or how they show love.
My father's love became a source of comfort and strength for me in such a heartbreaking time. Losing our mother must have been incredibly painful, but it seems like your father's love helped fill some of that void, offering you a sense of security and care when you needed it most.
His love has taught me the importance of resilience and unconditional care. Watching him step up, even while grieving himself, showed me what true strength looks like. It wasn't just in the big things he did but in the small, everyday gestures—checking on me, being present, and creating a safe space to heal. His love has inspired me to be more compassionate and to show up for others the way he showed up for me.
It's shaped how I view relationships, too. I've learned that love isn't just about words but about actions, consistency, and showing up even when it's hard. It's a standard I now hold in my life—how I love others and want to be loved in return.