Crysis: We Have No Idea What We're Dealing WIth!

in #hive-14021727 days ago

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Well Hello There Fellow Gamers And Hivers!

Where Am I?

Heck finally I can jump back on the Crysis for a change! I really wished the graphics could be tuned up a little because the story line is even better than it was back when I first played it! Heck I might fall in deep love again!

Okay so the last checkpoint was for me to take over some sort of village taken over by the KPA and I do have a gut feeling that this one isn't going to be one of the easiest missions there is!
They say infiltrate but I think I'll be going for the attack!

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The Plan Was Stealth!

Now I promise you it was! The problem is that it didn't stay stealthy for very long after that! I have a bad tendency to not do as I wished! But that's not the matter at hand!

The matter at hand is that I can't for the life of me get into the compound! I tried three times before I actually realized what the problem was!
The problem was a mine field! Heck yeah who would have thought right!

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I Found The Gate!

Now that is appealing isn't it?

Genuinely I do think so! I've made it this far without dying! Perhaps I have died and I don't even know it!

Okay so I have found the gates but I think it is still pretty packed up in there with the KPA! You know most of those dang bastards are real scared of facing the enemy!
Let's go meet those inside!

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Cloaked Up And Ready To Die!

Okay so I miss thought the situation inside the compound! It was rough! Real rough if you ask me!

So I managed to stay alive! Barely though! I think I did die once during this filming BUT after I realized that speed might give me the upper hand in this fight!
See the armor perk really did the job but with so many KPA wandering around it's hard to actually take the knock! Harder without the armor of-course but the speed perk really ganged it up!

Before they even knew it I was already behind them gunning them down!

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I Fucking Did YEAH!

Okay! So this was probably taken way too far! Yeahp way too far!

When I saw that these nipshittips were rushing down on me I decided to pull out the damned rocket launcher! I just went ahead and pounded the living crap out of all of them!

It was a real treat for me! A real treat!

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The Reason We Are Here!

We got some intel that there was a prisoner held hostage at this school site!

Glad we cleared everything around the school! Nothing but weeds still remain!
It's a good thing Nomad decided to join in with me otherwise I might have blown up the damned building ey!

Check out the strength perk on this man!

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A Time Essential Problem!

Well that is a mad scientist! According to her we are so late to the party it's not even a funny thing anymore!

This is where things got real tense! As we were trying to cut her loose there was a huge regiment of KPA rushing into the village! My job was to get rid of the tanks while Nomad went ahead and tried to get this scientist to safety!

Let's Rock And Roll!

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Remember To Keep On Gaming Like You've Only Got One Life Left!


To everyone who made it this far into my post Thank you for the read and the support.

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Most of all please leave a input in the comments below, whether is good or bad critic I would like to know, whether its your opinion or your way of doing things in a different manner I would like.

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