in #hive-1106020 days ago


This is an article written for the #augustinleo writing prompt series and Day21 prompt ....

My experience of this prompt could be described as being a bit Unrealistic

Catch the original announcement in this thread

Day 26 Let's play a little game with the #hivenaija community...

Blue pill: bring someone back to life
Red pill: have an everlasting life

What would you choose?

Drop your posts on the community Hive Naija 🇳🇬!

Blue of course

Why Blue and not Red?

I am that Narcissistic that everything has to be about me?

Fluff no, nor should we be able to have both options, that is the same thing...

Life is about us and looking after yourself as rule number one, but nah this takes the piss if you answer red pill..

True colours shine through, the odds are that we don't read each others post or engage lol!

So yeah it has to be blue...

Why not a family member?

You know if I had a deceased child then for sure I would choose to have that child brought back to life.

But I don't so that is ruled out. Both my parents have passed away, but how can you bring back one without the other?

So they are no, likewise with grandparents.

I thought about having my paternal grandfather as I have never met him. Then I thought about the great man himself ... Sir Edward Blount my ancestor with the aristocratic nose hehe

Hehe but that is too simplistic and I am sure I have written about him before.

Then I toyed with the father of Mrs T or her stepdad whom I knew really well.

Then perhaps her brother who passed away far too young.

So no, that is not happening for this prompt. No family members...

Someone from sport or history?

My favourite football player was Davie Cooper and indeed I have named my dogs Cooper.

He had the most mercurial left foot, and the great Ruud Gullit said he was the only Scot who could ever get into the Brazil team, and you know how they play with so much style!

Some of the other greats, Jock Wallace, Sandy Jardine, Walter Smith are all Rangers legends but no.

So I was thinking more sports and then up popped Jocky Wilson the rolypoly darts player from Kirkcaldy where I live.

So no, no sports players.

Then I thought about bringing back Hitler and making him pay for his crimes.

Quickly put paid to that idea as I am sure there will be people wanting him to be freed etc.

This world really has become a shambles.

Then I quickly dismissed history and settled back on Kirkcaldy and knew exactly who it would be.

When we moved to Kirkcaldy three years ago I was walking along a road which is beside Beveridge Park where we feed the ducks and the swans...

It seemed uncannily familiar.

Then it dawned on me that I had been to one of the houses before many years ago.

When I was at university in Edinburgh I shared a house with a computer science student and we were best friends.

We went drinking and pulling together. Cover for each all the time when needed and did as best friends do.

I remember going back to his parents house one year for Christmas, and yes that was why the road is so familiar.

In fact I will walk past there tonight and take a picture of the house. They are long gone.

He was a cracking guy and joined the navy and became a helicopter pilot.

When I was in Africa we had arranged to go to a football tourney that Scotland had qualified for. He had now left the navy and worked as a helicopter pilot flying out to the oil platforms in the North Sea.

I had time off and he was looking forward to it.

In the end his leave was cancelled and he could not come with us.

He never made it

I came back and found messages, and heard about an oilrig disaster , a helicopter had crashed on landing and everyone died as it hit a crane and dropped into the ocean many feet below.

Not only did he die and I lost my best friend but the papers and media blamed him as he was the copilot, but the crane boom was where it should not have been.

RIP Chris

It's always the good ones that taken so young!

Now I shall read the other answers and see who displays Narcissistic personality disorder 🤣

Are you a blue pill or red pill person...

What would you choose ?

Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoyed my response to the prompt.

Sources and Reference documents

This article is an entry for this month's Inleo writing initiative #augustinleo

You can find all the details in this thread

Today's prompt is Day 26 | Blue Pill or Red Pill?

All ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated, note lead image is generated with AI on from a prompt by me.The other photographs are all orginal and taken by me the author.

### **Haste Ye Back!**
@tengolotodo.leo August 27th 2024

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Tough choices for the blue, Tito Ed. Sorry to hear about Chris though and that he was blamed for the accident.

As for the prompt, I'm narcissistic and want both pills, lol! 😂

Hehe I actually saw your answer to the thread post where it was announced CJ! I nearly said something but decided it would be rude. Yeah good for you, why choose!

Haha, it's okay if you say something Tito Ed. The truth is, both are a "no thank you" hence no entry from me😅 !LOL

Did you hear about the Irish guy who was assassinated at the antique store?
It was a knick knack paddy whack.

Credit: playbyhive
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Wow, that's a horrible end to the story. Sometimes real life is definitely worse than fiction. That seems like it would be a great person to bring back. Although, if you were only able to bring him back and not the others he would have to live with everyone blaming him for the accident whether it was his fault or not. That might not be better...

Very good point. I really feel for his parents. They are teachers and worked in Africa in Kenya I am pretty sure. She got pregnant and caught German measles or rubella, the daughter unfortunately was born severely mentally handicapped and I remember Chris saying how it beat his mum up what happened with his sister. And then they got hit with what happened to him.
Life sure can screw you.

Yeah, that's pretty horrible.

Yeah a real shame

Well... that took a dark turn all of a sudden.
So sorry to hear about Chris. May he rest in peace. Unless you get that pill, then he can't rest anymore 😃

I gave some thought to this yesterday, and I actually think I would pick the red pill.
There are too many unknown factors of the blue pill for me to be comfortable with choosing that.

And also, I'm the most important 🤣
That last one is a joke, but the choice isn't

You sure are troublesome ssir. lol. Many entries I read are all about the blue and a family member... all except one. I'm sure you must have found it. Or was it two? Can't remember.

That was a horrible story. May he continue to rest in peace, Amen.

You sure are troublesome ssir. lol.

Enough with the fluffing sir, I am not your fcuking employer.

Panties in a twist I see 👀

No more ... the panties have been burnt to a cinder ...

Then I thought about bringing back Hitler and making him pay for his crimes. This one would be a 'blue pill vengeance'😂 😂. You want Hiltler to be over hit.
So sorry about your friend, we all have experiences, sometimes to feel moody but no we put on the shiny face.

sometimes to feel moody but no we put on the shiny face.

What a saying! I love it, a shiny face.

Yeah Hitler would be vengeance all right!