The Monthly Visitor|| LOH Contest#203

in #hive-12445218 days ago

Sometimes, the truth can be hard to process in various circumstances. Tell us about a truth in your life you would rather ignore forever if possible.

When I saw this prompt, it reminded me of an annoying truth I have always wanted to ignore but I really can't. It is like an itch that won't go away. It is always there, niggling at the back of my mind and I so much want to wallow in the bliss that is ignorance. But it isn't even possible, cause reality hits me in the face every single time (cries).

When I was a kid, I always thought life would be simple. Just wake up, eat, go to school, obey the adults and play with friends. Life was that easy and I was comfortable in my skin. I rarely felt pain except when I ate bad food or had an injury. And my body was my own. Then I clocked 11 and the visitor came. He came monthly. I couldn't understand.

That day, I went for summer lesson which is typical for kids every summer holiday. I was having a nice time listening to the teacher when a stab of pain came. I ignored cause I used to have stomach issues, so i thought it was one of the usual pains. After some minutes, the pain came again, this time harder. And I put my hand to my tummy. I kept rubbing it in slow circles, trying to comfort my poor tummy. The pain started coming in waves. I still didn't understand what was going on, because it was an uncomfortable pain. It was just there, twisting and biting. It would go, it would come. I didn't know when I ran out of the class at full speed. My teacher and classmates were astonished and my teacher kept calling my name but all I had on my mind was to see my mummy. She would know what to do as always. Thankfully, our home was close, so I was able to run home quickly.

I slammed the door open, tears were already finding their way down my cheeks. My mum was sitted in the living room when I came in and she startled. When she saw my face, she stood up hurriedly and wrapped her hands around me.

“What happened to you? Did you fall down? Did someone beat you?” She looked all over my body and finding no sign of injuries, she looked at me.

“My tummy is paining me.” I cried out, gripping my tummy hard.

“Maybe you need to use the toilet.” She led me gently to the toilet and when I got in, she waited outside. When I pulled down my knickers, that was when I saw the blood and I screamed. I didn't know any better then.😂 I thought I was dying. So, my mum quickly rushed in and when she saw the blood, she just smiled. She stepped out for some minutes and came in with a sanitary pad in her hands. She gently thought me how to use it. And when I cleaned up and left the bathroom, she sat me down and she taught me everything she knew that I needed to know.

But I was more focused on the pain. I asked her if the pain would be there every month and she affirmed. She said it might be less on some months and more on others. When I heard, I wailed. I couldn't believe this was the truth I would be facing for the next few decades of my life.

Nine years going now, and I still hate getting my periods. I hate the pain, the irritation, the mood swings that comes with it. I hate that it's so natural for ladies to bleed pints of blood every month. I hate having to prepare and wait for my period to come. I hate that I can't even really eat all the foods and cravings I want to, because I'm trying to reduce the pain. I hate that it has to take four to five days before it truly goes away. I hate that it's a cycle. This is one truth I have always wished I could ignore. But when I see the first spot of acne and feel the slight pain of premenstrual cramps, I just know I could never ignore it. It would be there saying, “Hello, my dear young friend, it is me again. And I would be here next month, and the next, and the next. Till when your body tells me I'm no longer welcome."

Thumbnail is mine


I'm glad you had a wonderful first time experience in the sense that your Mom was calm and loving about it. Not many people get to experience that, you know. And yeah, periods are the absolute worst. The mood swings, the pain. Like...make it stop, please.

Yes, I'm so grateful for my mum.🥹

I hate periods with every fiber of my being.🥲🥲

We'll get better, darling.🫂

So sorry you had pains the first time. My cramps didn't start the first time. It started around the third time. And it's usually so bad that I can't do anything the rest of the day. Back in secondary school, it was so bad that i always had to stay in sick bay the whole day. Till now, it's bad but I can skip class. But there's no skipping the mood swings and purging 😭

Like, it's as if it's crippling somebody. You just find yourself not being able to do anything. And someone must always be close to the toilet. Let's not even talk about the nausea and the acne that comes with it.🤦🏼‍♀️

It is well.

A really bad experience!
My regards!

You just reminded me of when I saw my first period. I was very disgusted looking at my own blood. Still am honestly and it makes me want to puke just thinking about it. Ugh.

When it's that time of the month, I always feel so unclean.🤢

I hate it.😭

I don’t know of anyone who enjoys having their period. Definitely not me.
I know people that have wished they were men because of what they go through every month.
I laughed a lot because I was kind of surprised you got scared😂

I’m sorry you go through the pain every month… I have a cheat code, would you like to know?😂

Please share on behalf of all of us😭😂


I don't think any lady does. It's torture.😭
I was scared cause I didn't understand why I was bleeding all of a sudden.😂😂 It didn't make any sense to me.

Please, share.🥹🥹


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I am sorry that having menstruation is so traumatic for you, it is valuable that your mother supports you, !LADY

Yes, she is very valuable.🤗

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Menstruation is one of the most horrible truths 🫠 I really would like to ignore it too but I can't. Hugs

It's the absolute worst.😪

I think parents sometimes don't know how to explain this to their daughters, and so it is a dreadful surprise. Perhaps it wouldn't have been so dreadful if you had been prepared. In some cultures the beginning of menses is celebrated. Girls look forward to it almost ritualistically, like a rite of passage. I think with that attitude it might not have been so traumatic for you and perhaps your subsequent experiences might not have seemed to dreadful.

I'm sorry, sister :)

If it didn't come with a lot of pain and other unwanted things, maybe I would have looked forward to it. Maybe I would still love getting it. 🙃

And back then, in my country, sex education and it's other subtopics wasn't really our forte.

My mother also came from a conservative culture. All the way back then (when I was an adolescent) such things were not discussed. I'm looking around at other cultures though, where this significant event in a girl's life is handled differently, and those girls seem to have a very much better attitude (although pain is still part of the picture 😄), and it seems the inconvenience is tolerated much more comfortably. What's great is, you feel the liberty of writing about this openly. That's a great change from prior generations.

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