(ENG/ESP) How Entrepreneurs Should Handle Difficult Customers with Patience and Professionalism.

in #hive-14097112 days ago


As a good entrepreneur who knows what he or she is doing, you will know that for every customer you have, you are meant to cherish them, even when they have a bad character or when they do not do the right thing for you. Fighting a customer will not make you a good entrepreneur, nor will getting into chaos with your customer bring you more profits or more clients. I said that when I was writing this post, I was not in my apartment, but I went to a store where I went to buy something, and I was so lucky to witness an argument that happened between a customer and a shop owner.

Yellow Minimalist Online Store Facebook Cover_20241010_093406_0000.jpg

Just as you know, there are different types of customers that we will meet every day when we go to our business to make a profit. Between these customers are those who really understand what it means to be a customer and some who do not have any idea about what it means to be a customer, but what they know is just for them to come get whatever you want to buy and leave. Even sometimes, most of these guys cause problems for the owner of an enterprise, but what do you have to do as an entrepreneur? You can either decide to react or look away

While I was trying to buy something in a store, there was this customer who was beside me trying to get some things also, but along the line, I noticed he has been asking a lot of questions from the person attending to him, but he has not bought anything from the store. I was less concerned because it was this customer who was beside me trying to get some things also, but along the line, I noticed he has been asking a lot of questions from the person attending to him, but he has not bought anything from the store. I was less concerned because it was this customer who was beside me trying to get some things also, but along the line, I noticed he has been asking a lot of questions from the person attending to him, but he has not bought anything from the store.


I was less concerned because it was this customer who was beside me trying to get some things also, but along the line, I noticed he has been asking a lot of questions from the person attending to him, but he has not bought anything from the store. I was less concerned because it is not my business, but along the line, I noticed he has been asking a lot of questions from the person attending to him, but he has not bought anything from the store. I was less concerned because it is not my business, but at the same time I was listening to what he was saying to the person attending to him, and I knew it was just asking for the price of the market, and he was not ready to buy.

After a while, I paid for what I had gotten, and I figured out that this guy was having an argument with the person who had been attending to him before and asked the owner of the store to intervene in the matter. The store owner asked what happened, and he was told that this person was just asking for the price of each commodity without trying to buy anyone, and this got the store owner so pissed and immediately called for his arrest.

I was very shocked at this move that the store owner made. I couldn't go too close to them because I thought I was not concerned with their business, but at the same time, I felt that was really necessary, and what they would have done was just to show the man out of their store instead. It was not long at all before the police came to arrest this person and they took him away even after everyone tried to play it for him to be released, yet the store owner didn't agree to this.


I was very concerned at some point, and we all that were there buying something from the store went to the store owner to plead on the guy's behalf because he didn't do anything wrong and was just trying to ask for the prices of things. He didn't steal nor did he take anything away from the store, and one thing about police in those places is that they do not try to settle any issues between citizens, but instead they escalate them and try to make money from it. For every entrepreneur, we must learn to treat customers with respect and love, even when they are not doing the right thing, and not be hostile to them. No one knows what or how things might later end up.


Como buen emprendedor que sabe lo que hace, sabrá que debe valorar a cada cliente que tenga, incluso cuando tenga un mal carácter o cuando no haga lo que le conviene. Pelear con un cliente no le hará un buen emprendedor, ni meterse en un caos con su cliente le traerá más ganancias o más clientes. Dije que cuando estaba escribiendo este artículo, no estaba en mi apartamento, sino que fui a una tienda a comprar algo y tuve la suerte de presenciar una discusión que se produjo entre un cliente y el dueño de una tienda.

Yellow Minimalist Online Store Facebook Cover_20241010_093406_0000.jpg

Como ya sabes, existen diferentes tipos de clientes con los que nos encontraremos cada día cuando vayamos a nuestro negocio a sacar un beneficio. Entre estos clientes están los que realmente entienden lo que significa ser cliente y algunos que no tienen ni idea de lo que significa ser cliente, pero lo que saben es que simplemente vienen a buscar lo que quieran comprar y se van. Incluso a veces, la mayoría de estos tipos causan problemas al dueño de una empresa, pero ¿qué tienes que hacer como emprendedor? Puedes decidir reaccionar o mirar hacia otro lado

Mientras intentaba comprar algo en una tienda, había un cliente que estaba a mi lado tratando de conseguir algunas cosas también, pero a lo largo de la línea, noté que había estado haciendo muchas preguntas a la persona que lo atendía, pero no había comprado nada de la tienda. Estaba menos preocupado porque era este cliente que estaba a mi lado tratando de conseguir algunas cosas también, pero a lo largo de la línea, noté que había estado haciendo muchas preguntas a la persona que lo atendía, pero no había comprado nada de la tienda. Estaba menos preocupado porque era este cliente que estaba a mi lado tratando de conseguir algunas cosas también, pero a lo largo de la línea, noté que había estado haciendo muchas preguntas a la persona que lo atendía, pero no había comprado nada de la tienda. image.png

Estaba menos preocupado porque era este cliente el que estaba a mi lado tratando de conseguir algunas cosas también, pero a lo largo del camino, noté que le había estado haciendo muchas preguntas a la persona que lo atendía, pero no había comprado nada de la tienda. Estaba menos preocupado porque no es mi negocio, pero a lo largo del camino, noté que le había estado haciendo muchas preguntas a la persona que lo atendía, pero no había comprado nada de la tienda. No me preocupé tanto porque no es asunto mío, pero al mismo tiempo escuchaba lo que le decía a la persona que lo atendía y sabía que solo estaba preguntando por el precio del mercado y que no estaba dispuesto a comprar.

Después de un rato, pagué lo que había recibido y me di cuenta de que este tipo estaba discutiendo con la persona que lo había estado atendiendo antes y le pedí al dueño de la tienda que interviniera en el asunto. El dueño de la tienda preguntó qué había pasado y le dijeron que esta persona solo estaba preguntando el precio de cada producto sin intentar comprar a nadie, y esto hizo que el dueño de la tienda se enojara tanto que inmediatamente pidió su arresto.

Me sorprendió mucho esta acción del dueño de la tienda. No podía acercarme demasiado a ellos porque pensé que no me preocupaba su negocio, pero al mismo tiempo, sentí que era realmente necesario y lo que habrían hecho era simplemente echar al hombre de su tienda. No pasó mucho tiempo antes de que la policía viniera a arrestar a esta persona y se lo llevaron incluso después de que todos intentaron jugar a que lo liberaran, pero el dueño de la tienda no estuvo de acuerdo con esto.


En un momento me preocupé mucho y todos los que estábamos allí comprando algo en la tienda fuimos al dueño de la tienda para abogar en nombre del tipo porque no había hecho nada malo y solo estaba tratando de preguntar por los precios de las cosas. No robó ni se llevó nada de la tienda, y una cosa que tiene la policía en esos lugares es que no intenta resolver los problemas entre ciudadanos, sino que los intensifica y trata de sacar dinero de ello. Para todo empresario, debemos aprender a tratar a los clientes con respeto y amor, incluso cuando no están haciendo lo correcto, y no ser hostiles con ellos. Nadie sabe qué o cómo pueden acabar las cosas más adelante.


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You are welcome

I understand that bearing a customer who is already a nuisance can be a bit difficult, but every business person must learn both patience and tolerance so that he/she can handle them well.

Entiendo que soportar a un cliente que ya es una molestia puede ser un poco difícil, pero cada persona de negocios debe aprender tanto a tener paciencia como a tolerar para poder tratarlos bien.

Yeah, that's correct. In what ever we do we must be very patient enough because a lot will make us annoyed, but we shouldn't get annoyed.

Sometimes it seems that being patient and respectful is a difficult art and sometimes we get carried away by prejudices, in any case self-control is something that must be practiced with perseverance. Greetings.

Note: take care of the wording, you repeated a paragraph about 4 times.

A veces parece que ser paciente y respetuoso, es un arte difícil y otras nos dejamos llevar por prejuicios, en cualquier caso el autocontrol es algo que hay que practicar con constancia. Saludos.

Nota: cuidar la redacción, repetiste un párrafo como 4 veces.

Thanks very much ma'am. That must have been a typical error. Will look into that. Thanks for the notice.

Muchas gracias, señora. Debe haber sido un error típico. Lo investigaremos. Gracias por el aviso.

This is correct. Customers, should not be bullied by the traders, but rather, they should be handled with care.

Yeah, you are right.