(One Day I Would Buy My Fake Villa) Tiny Glade

in #hive-1402179 days ago


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So wait, this is how game devs make level designs or areas with villas? Well, some aspect of it, seemingly. But for the most part, it's all about quick placements, aligning, and shaping up your own dioramas inside every single glade. Albeit being a little limited.

It already has presets of builds, which teaches you how to use its complex tools, memorizing tricks to build things like bridges, door paths, stairs, underpasses, etc. The internet alone can provide so many radical new things to try, and once learned, it gets super easy thanks to its superb accessible tools and options. Heck, even the photo mode has something going.

I did say it's limited in terms of options, and not a 1:1 creation of the actual thing. This is that game where I get sad about something, and I just get into it. It's a calm, soothing experience that continued taking my time. Constantly checking, and making adjustments on the go.

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When I started the game, I accidentally closed off this welcoming bubbles. From my screenshots, it's describing me the simple reason this app exists. A couple of glades to pick based on which season they take place in, each has their own kind of trees, foliage, and flowers.

Planting constructions just involves holding a block, molding its shape like clay before setting it, they're adjustable with no restrictions and all the options. I'm not a super expert on this, but my imagination and maybe some references in my mind eventually just made up whatever I could. Leading me to making a soft build villa with a flower garden.

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If you see the tool below, hovering them brings out options to create, decorate, and repaint. As well as changing weather conditions to allowing use of a camera with nice features with depth of field. It can be confusing at first, unless you're good at pressing random buttons and then finding them out. That's the first way to figuring things out.

Especially the part where I mess structures together. Circular and four dimensional blocks can be retrofitted within one another. All it needs is some messing around with each block. You see that one protruding? Had to squeeze its roof to remove the slide on the side, before making it seamless. The tricky part is separating the structure above from below, no worries, all I had to do was build another block on top, before repainting it. They blend in, even spawning flower pots, carts, and others.

There's no option to scrutinize or add specific parts, it's simplified enough to be intriguingly functional and engaging. I didn't know how to build doors outside the ones on balconies, till I created pathways. Even going as far to create open passageways if overdone.


A few cute accidents like patting the sheep, or they parachute over build structures do happen. Even the ducks from ponds can be petted. The more I went on, the relaxing it felt. It was easy, maybe ok, for time to go by while I flourish this small area. After I was done with the Autumn build, it was auto saved before heading back to New Glade, and tried out the summer glade.

There was nothing but a brick wall, I let my imagination run wild on it, and I thought "maybe a tourist attraction place". Some regal presence, maybe to do with adding flags, adding lanterns around for nighttime, it was over an hour of meddling till it became a gorgeous spectacle of a diorama.

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If you're still confused about how I got from that to this, explaining it would ruin the fun of discovering from experimentation. That's another reason for how it draws me in. However, so much of it amazes, yet leaves me kind of short-handed too on certain things I want.

I really would love it if I was allowed to pick a setting where I can create the appropriate setting for this. Like a farmland villa, or one with a windmill, water mill, army house, and it does seem like it could. Since I did mention discovering making doors through pathways and passageways, even water bridges, when all of it used right. Still leaves me wanting more content.


But yeah, it's minimalistic to a degree, and obviously made for camera shoots from a scenic view, the one a bit far away, since not even the doors scale up to real life-size. There's no rendering of characters coming in and out. Not even adjusting weather condition. I can, however, shift the direction of both moon light and sunlight. Still wish it was more lively.

You can get more creative by making a diorama come alive in the most intriguing way. Then again, it does what it promoted to do really well. Albeit with some limitations. I like that I can experiment on different weather and terrain. Maybe make mine Mountainous, even.


You can check the internet, and see people even making something like Helm's Deep or Rivendall. It's crazy how seamless and useful it can be to make anything come true.

It's also 15 USD. Like, if you're into these things, go as far as the scope of your imagination can. Play around with the tools, and it'll take you to amazing places. Super cozy.

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Its amazing how you see your taste in ancient mansion. I guess yiu must be watch some historical films often, the way you arrange each villa it looks so much like a castle

The graphics of this game look so cool and I can imagine how beautiful the BGM would be. I liked the title, its unique.

Love the fact that you can make those finer adjustments like arches and wall textures. I watched the Rivendell video, some people are so creative. Are you planning to build something big?

I wish, I still haven't figured the entire thing out

I was watching the Helm's Deep example video and there's a part where they start placing pebbles at a specific point on a mountain. Bro, that's cool, you can literally do whatever you want, I had seen this game but didn't know the level of customization went that far. If I was more creative maybe I'd try my luck, but I suck at that stuff haha.