If another man is able to get close to your woman , he's not the problem she is . The fact that another man feels so welcomed reflects on your girl's behavior behind your back. Never compete with another man over a woman . If she is letting someone get that close it's a clear sign she is not respecting the relationship . Don't ever make the mistake of wasting your energy fighting him because he's not the issue , she is. If she truly valued you no one else will feel that comfortable trying to move in. Respect yourself enough to walk away from any situation where you have to compete for her loyalty . Competing with another man is just a distraction from the real problem . The right partner won't put you in a position where you doubt them . A loyal partner makes it clear to everyone else that you're their priority . So if you are questioning her intentions it's time to reconsider the relationship. You deserve someone who makes you feel secure not uncertain. Don't settle for anything less.