Impassable Trail - Creative NonFiction [ENG - ESP]

in #hive-1707983 months ago

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Photo by Juanita Swart on Unsplash


When I became independent from my parents, I began to make my own decisions in an insecure way. I began to experience a crisis in my personality, being unable to manage my life on my own. My difficulties were increasing, and I even developed a rather introverted relationship with people, which made me forget my common sense.

My friend at that time, Sabrina, guided me in the simplest things; like looking for an apartment, furniture, dishes, utensils; and anything I needed in my daily life. That little bit of help from her made me feel very secure, and I prayed that it would last with me until I could acquire firmness in my personality.

"We should go to the mall one afternoon, I know you'll like it," Sabrina said as she arranged some curtains in my room.

"What are we going for?" I asked, "I still have things to do here at the house."

"I'll just be a moment," she replied insistently. "We'll hang out and stop at a coffee shop I've always wanted to go to."

She smiled radiantly. I couldn't say no to her. Being the only person I ever leaned on, I felt a strong attachment. Her security was my security. Her firmness and ease in making decisions were my logic and reason for living. However, a strange idea suddenly hit my head.

Despite being physically and mentally beautiful, Sabrina was a very linear person. Sometimes I felt that she mechanically ran her life, without considering alternatives. I'm not saying that's wrong; there's nothing better than being in your comfort zone, but every time it was proposed to her to get out of that circle, she would shrewdly make any excuse not to be part of it.


Photo by Kyle Broad on Unsplash

Once, when I left work, Sabrina waited for me where she always did and we walked along the central viaduct of the city while we chatted. Suddenly, we heard a shout in the distance that mentioned our names, we recognized that voice and realized it was our friend Diego.

Diego had always liked Sabrina, but their extreme differences held him back. Diego was very attractive and jovial and Sabrina also liked him, but his lifestyle and tastes were not at all to her liking. Diego liked adventure, getting out of the way from time to time, the feeling of danger, and the adrenaline rush. Sabrina was the opposite, she preferred tranquility, without risks or worries.

I, for my part, was torn between the two. I liked tranquility, but I also liked adventure. When Diego invited us to his plans of distractions, I agreed, because with him I also felt very safe, since, experiencing it the first time, I liked it, and I knew that life was too short not to do things where there is a risk. But, and this was instilled in me by Sabrina, I had my limitations. I knew I couldn't challenge danger too much, as the environment can be cruel. I always kept in mind the precautions and the voice of a friend who fears in the face of danger.

Though undeniably, situations where I knew I could have a good time, such as camping or trekking through a forest, were propositions to which my enthusiasm was always determined. I wanted Sabrina to accompany me, but it was hard to get her out of her sealed jar of denial. It was unfortunate indeed; however, though we went our separate ways, we always carried our powerful friendship forward.

On one of the excursions I went on with Diego, I felt lonely and insecure, as I went with people I didn't know. They only talked about things they only knew each other and I felt left out. I wished every moment that Sabrina was there, even if it meant an annoying swarm of unbearable complaints.


Photo by Jan Huber on Unsplash

During the journey, I felt much better, although somewhat tired, but sufficiently stimulated to keep up with the others. At one point on the hill we were walking, Diego suggested a path that looked very hostile to the eye. It was stony, narrow terrain, and adorned with thorny trees on either side.

"It's a quick way to the top of the hill, we'll get there faster and expend less energy," Diego assured everyone.

The others looked at each other hesitantly, they didn't seem to be convinced by that path, but since they didn't say anything, I was the same way. In the end, we took that path. Big mistake. The stones bothered our feet and made our balance difficult. Then there was a strong sun that burned and that made me think that where we were going was eternal. It took us three hours to reach the top. We stayed there for quite a while and everyone complained about the way Diego forced us to go. We went back down the road, but safe from the hill, and at the end, everyone behaved as if nothing had happened, but in reality, it was not like that.

When we got home I told Sabrina everything. "How irresponsible!" She shouted in exasperation. "What would have happened if they had been stranded out there?" I shrugged and avoided issuing any comment.

From that moment on, Sabrina's attitude toward Diego changed. To me, she was overreacting. Yes, the path she pointed out to us was not a good one to travel, but at least it didn't cost us our lives. Sabrina, despite her annoyance towards Diego, still felt attracted to him. She was like a nun fighting temptation, but firm in the face of her vocation and it was a road she did not want to go down.




Cuando me independicé de mis padres, comencé a tomar mis propias decisiones de manera insegura. Empecé a experimentar una crisis en mi personalidad, siendo incapaz de manejar mi vida por mi cuenta. Mis dificultades se fueron incrementando, incluso desarrollé una relación bastante introvertida con las personas, lo cual hizo que me olvidara de mi propio sentido común.

Mi amiga de aquel entonces, Sabrina, me guiaba en las cosas más simples; como buscar un apartamento, muebles, platos, utensilios; cualquier cosa que requería en mi vida diaria. Esa pequeña ayuda de parte de ella me hacía sentir muy seguro, y rezaba porque perdurara conmigo hasta que pudiera adquirir firmeza en mi personalidad.

“Deberíamos ir al centro comercial una tarde, sé que te va a agradar,” dijo Sabrina mientras acomodaba unas cortinas en mi cuarto.

“¿A qué vamos?” Le pregunté. “Todavía tengo cosas que hacer aquí en la casa.”

“Solo será un momento,” replicó insistente. “Pasaremos el rato y nos detendremos en una cafetería a la que siempre he querido ir.”

Ella sonrió radiantemente. No podía negarme a ella. Siendo la única persona a la que me he apoyado, sentí un fuerte apego. Su seguridad era mi seguridad. Su firmeza y soltura para tomar decisiones, eran mi lógica y razón de vivir. Sin embargo, una idea extraña golpeó mi cabeza de repente.

Sabrina, a pesar de ser muy bella tanto física como mentalmente, era una persona muy lineal. A veces sentía que dirigía su vida de manera mecánica, sin tomar en cuenta alternativas. No digo que eso esté mal; no hay nada mejor que estar en tu zona de confort, pero cada vez que se le proponía salir de ese círculo, inventaba cualquier excusa de manera sagaz para no ser parte de ello.

Una vez, al salir del trabajo, Sabrina me esperó donde siempre y caminamos por el viaducto central de la ciudad mientras charlábamos. De repente, escuchamos un grito en la lejanía que mencionó nuestros nombres, reconocimos aquella voz y nos dimos cuenta de que se trataba de nuestro amigo Diego.

A Diego siempre le gustó Sabrina, pero sus diferencias tan extremas lo frenaban. Diego era muy atractivo, jovial y también Sabrina gustaba de él, pero su estilo de vida y sus gustos, no eran para nada del agrado de ella. A Diego le gustaba la aventura, salir del paso de vez en cuando, la sensación de peligro y extasiarse de adrenalina. Sabrina era todo lo contrario, prefería la tranquilidad, sin riesgos ni preocupaciones.

Yo, por mi parte, estaba dividido entre ambos. Me gustaba la tranquilidad, pero también me gustaba la aventura. Cuando Diego nos invitaba a sus planes de distracciones, yo accedía, pues con él también me sentía muy seguro, ya que, al experimentar la primera vez, me gustó, y sabía que la vida era muy corta para no hacer cosas donde hay riesgo. Pero, y esto me fue inculcado por Sabrina, tenía mis limitaciones. Sabía que no podía retar al peligro demasiado, pues el entorno puede ser cruel. Siempre tenía en mente las precauciones y la voz de una amiga que teme ante el peligro.

Aunque innegablemente, en situaciones en las que yo sabía que pudiera pasarla bien, como acampar o transitar por un bosque, eran propuestas a las que mi entusiasmo siempre estaba determinado. Quería que Sabrina me acompañara, pero era difícil sacarla dentro de su frasco sellado de negación. Era infortunado de verdad; sin embargo, aunque tomábamos caminos separados, siempre llevábamos por delante nuestra poderosa amistad.

En una de las excursiones que fui con Diego, me sentía solo e inseguro, pues iba con gente que no conocía. Ellos solo conversaban de temas que solo sabían entre ellos y me sentía excluido. Deseaba a cada momento de que Sabrina se encontrara allí, aunque eso implicara un molesto enjambre de quejas insoportables.

Durante el trayecto me sentí mucho mejor, aunque algo cansado, pero lo suficientemente estimulado para seguir el paso de los demás. En un punto de la colina que transitábamos, Diego propuso un camino que a la vista se veía muy hostil. Era un terreno pedregoso, angosto y adornado por árboles espinosos a los lados.

“Es un camino rápido hacia la punta de la colina, llegaremos más rápido y gastaremos menos energía,” Aseveró Diego a todos.

Los demás se miraron indecisos, no parecía convencerles aquel camino, pero como no decían nada, yo estaba igual. Al final tomamos aquel sendero. Grave error. Las piedras molestaban nuestros pies y dificultaban nuestro equilibrio. Luego hubo un fuerte sol que quemaba y eso me hizo pensar que por donde circulábamos era eterno. Tardamos tres horas en llegar a la cima. Nos quedamos allá un buen tiempo y todos se quejaron por el camino al que Diego nos obligó a ir. Nos regresamos por el camino, pero seguro de la colina, y al final, todos se comportaron como si nada hubiera pasado, pero en realidad no fue así.

Al volver a casa le conté todo a Sabrina. “¡Que irresponsable!” Vociferó exaltada. “¿Qué hubiese pasado si hubieran quedado varados por ahí?” Me encogí de hombros y evité emitir cualquier comentario.

A partir de ese momento, la actitud de Sabrina hacia Diego cambió. Para mí ella estaba exagerando. Sí, el camino que nos indicó no fue el bueno para transitar, pero al menos no nos costó la vida. Sabrina, a pesar de su molestia hacia Diego, todavía sentía atracción por él. Era como una monja luchando contra la tentación, pero firme ante su vocación y de que ese es un camino al que no quiere transitar.


Texto traducido con Deepl | Text translated with Deepl

Posted Using InLeo Alpha



Thank you.

Interesting experience, during our lives we will always meet very different people, some invite us to take risks and others to be more cautious. You experienced that with your two friends and in a way it is a balance that they offer to your life.

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.

Excellent Thursday.

In life we can meet people who invite us to adventure and that is very tempting because of the curiosity of the unknown, as well as others like your friend Sabrina who does not like to take risks.

You wrote a very good account of those two aspects and how you analyzed it from your point of view.

Greetings @universoperdido and thanks for sharing your experience.