PostsCommentsutibeabasi in #hive-120078 • 2 days agooh wow! rosemary is actually very good for the hair, if you want to use cloves i'll advise you use a moderate quantitiy especially if your hair is nonporous as it my cause hair breakageutibeabasi in #hive-108539 • 4 days agogracias por leer mi post, ¡sí! el quita telarañas me ayudó mucho,utibeabasi in #hive-108539 • 4 days agoLa gente descuida mucho estos aspectos de la higiene, espero que se conviertan en una rutina.utibeabasi in #hive-140169 • 5 days ago@vibes-voter I have done it over again, I hope this entry is properutibeabasi in # • 5 days agohere is a proof that I used peakD and the 5% beneficiary for hive-140169 was set automatically ![image.png](utibeabasi in #hive-140169 • 5 days agoI will try doing it over againutibeabasi in #hive-140169 • 5 days ago@vibes-voter I actually used PeakD which sets it automatically, that was why I did not do it againutibeabasi in #hive-108539 • 11 days agosobre los ingredientes los encontraras en cualquier tienda de quimicos, ten cuidado al manipularlos para que no te hagan dañoutibeabasi in #hive-108539 • 11 days agoyeah! I was equally scared at first but you need to use your gloves and be careful when mixing it, do not pour water into it, rather pour the caustic soda into the waterutibeabasi in #hive-108539 • 11 days agoyeah! I hope you could do same for personal use, thank you too for going through my post and for finding my recipe usefulutibeabasi in #hive-108539 • 12 days ago@doriangel aquí está la explicación de los ingredientes y procedimientos que utilicé para hacer la solución limpiadora casera. Espero que también puedas intentarlo, estoy segura…utibeabasi in #hive-108539 • 12 days ago@rlathulerie here is detailed explanation on how I made the liquid soap (home made cleaning solution). You can follow the steps and give a try.utibeabasi in #hive-115368 • 12 days agohello everyone. here is the entry to my postutibeabasi in #hive-108539 • 14 days agodefinitivamente, no sólo es genial sino eficaz y menos eutibeabasi in #hive-108539 • 14 days agoThank you so much for the warm welcome! I’m glad you're interested in making soap. it’s actually a fun and satisfying process and it does not take so much time to be made. I’d be…utibeabasi in #hive-108539 • 14 days agoExcelente manera de ahorrar, tengo curiosidad de saber que productos usaste. Bienvenida sonríe! efectivamente me ayudó a reducir mis gastos, en mi próximo post con gusto…utibeabasi in #hive-108539 • 14 days agoTe felicito por tan buena iniciativa. Es una excelente forma de ahorrar dinero y además sentir la satisfacción de hacer las cosas por ti misma. Absolutamente, el jabón me ha…utibeabasi in #hive-108539 • 14 days agoSi lo puedes poner en practica, estoy seguro que haras algo de dinero vendiendolo. Gracias por tu visita.utibeabasi in #hive-115368 • 17 days agoThis is indeed an interesting topic to write on, I'm glad I subscribed to this communityutibeabasi in # • 22 days agoisbelhiv02 I have made the necessary corrections, here is the link to the new post Thank you drawing my attention to it right on time.