FEMA seizing donations, threatening to arrest rescuers, ordering volunteers out of N. Carolina while people die

in #life12 days ago

Guns and Gadgets points out that churches are not turning over donations to FEMA, and get them to Helene survivors. Here he points out that Grindstone Ministries is clearing roads, getting supplies to survivors, and keeping financial donations out of FEMA coffers and getting them to people that need them.

The Angry American points out that the USG has given $B's to foreign governments so far this year, >$24B to the Ukraine, >$11B to Israel, $B's to Jordan, Egypt, Afghanistan, Somalia, and many more, and gives illegal immigrants invading America each thousands of dollars, but the Secretary of the Dept. of Homeland Security, that oversees FEMA, Alejandro Mayorkas, stated that FEMA doesn't have enough money for another hurricane. The Angry American points out they have siphoned out over $1B in FEMA funding for disaster relief for American civilians to import illegal immigrants.

IMG source - The Angry American

ReallyGraceful points out that FEMA is ordering people not to fly drones in the disaster area, a county Fire Chief threatened to arrest a helicopter pilot rescuing people if he didn't abandon his own child and flew back in to get him out, and people who have lost their home are refused the $750 emergency payment FEMA claims they can receive - because their home was insured. She also states that FEMA has taken all the hotel rooms in local hotels, and people made homeless by Helene are left on the street. FEMA is claimed to be seizing all donations, including money, entrusted to local schools, while they seem to be unable to take supplies or money from churches to which people have provided donations. They are also not allowing volunteers to help unless they've been specially trained. The Tennessee Emergency Management Agency states this clearly in a post.

IMG source - ReallyGraceful

This seems to be a replay of the horrific failure of all government agencies that caused many deaths, loss of property, and great suffering from the Lahaina fire in Maui, Hawaii.

There seems to be a mineral deposit of lithium in western N. Carolina, and there is speculation that is the reason the government is preventing disaster relief from reaching survivors, to cleanse the region of property owners that might impede development or cost developers money to compensate for their property.

Jeff Berwick, the Dollar Vigilante states directly that weather modification was used to direct Helene to the area in order to site the disaster where the lithium deposit is, for this reason.

This callous malevolence of government during disaster has now demonstrated a pattern. Wherever you live, I recommend sitting down with friends and neighbors and planning how to avoid being dependent on FEMA, and even local government, in the event disaster strikes. When the Covid democrisis hit I stored some canned goods, temporary shelter, and such emergency resources in some places with permission of the landowners, and just innawoods. In the event of a disaster I won't need any government services, I'll just need to get to one of my hidey holes. I recommend ya'll do the same. It's also a good idea to have specific sites pre-arranged with loved ones out of your area where they can find you in the event communications are cut off in a disaster. Just knowing you have prepared in advance of catastrophe can considerably ease their anxiety if they can't call or text you.

It's become apparent that nothing we might want to use government to achieve, disaster relief, honest representation, free and fair elections, peace with other nations, secure borders, sound money, safe medicine and medical care, is any longer able to be relied on from extant government agencies. The smaller the government in consideration, the more likely it is to be functional, such as rural fire districts, Sheriffs, or similar local institutions. However, the larger such an agency is, or the more funding it has received from larger agencies, the less likely it is to provide services it has been created to provide. The federal government, corrupt and tyrannical, does the opposite of what it is supposed to do, with maximum violence. Don't rely on them.

I have been through floods FEMA responded to. They did nothing to help. Zero. No one from the state helped, even though it was their drain that flooded my property. Even the local water district disavowed responsibility and provided no help at all. I repaired my property with the help of neighbors.

Therefore it is wise to prepare to provide such necessary services through private civilian contacts, friends and neighbors, family and loved ones, that you can count on. Our rights and abilities are our own. They don't belong to FEMA, to Fire Chiefs, or anyone else, no matter what their title. We are sovereign, and this means we have the responsibility to secure our survival - not FEMA. We do. I strongly recommend ignoring such institutions that cannot be relied on in emergencies and making your own preparations to survive disasters. You are responsible for your survival. That's just the fact of life. You also have the authority to take necessary actions to survive in an emergency. No one has authority to tell you to turn back into a blazing fire, like emergency personnel did in Lahaina. No one can tell you not to give or accept emergency supplies in a disaster, although it is apparent some government agents think they can, and even seize such donations.

If you are being robbed of essentials for survival, it is up to you to prevent that crime, and in America the Second Amendment was codified for that reason. America's founders had just physically secured themselves, their communities, and property from callous, malevolent government that insisted on taking things sovereign people need and have the right to. That is why there is a Second Amendment, because they knew it would happen again.

It seems to be happening again and again. Make sure you aren't easy to rob of what you need in exigent circumstances. Be always sure you are right, then go ahead.-- Davy Crockett.


FEMA is really frosting my cookies.


It would be great if i could just ignore them, and save myself.
But, they are now grabbing donations, and blocking rescues.
I do not know what would be a good punishment for FEMA's actions.

The battle cry will be "Remember North Carolina"

I have seen reports that mobs have beaten FEMA officials in N. Carolina. They might be the start of something, and you could well be right about it. I've seen folks recommending - including law enforcement - people thereabouts to carry, and with safeties off. I recommend carrying, but without a round in the pipe. Safeties can fail.


I forgot to notice and congratulate you when you crossed the line into a dolphin.


I appreciate you noting it. I try to keep giving out 1/4 of my rewards to folks being censored, to encourage them to stick to their guns, but it piles up.


Dear @valued-customer !
I assumed that the US government was sending too much aid to the war in Ukraine, so it couldn't send relief supplies to Americans who were currently suffering from the hurricane!😦

The funds sent to foreign countries doesn't disable the USG from expending funds on Americans. The Secretary of the DHS, Alejandro Mayorkas, stripped >$1B in funds allocated by Congress to FEMA for disaster relief and spent them importing illegal immigrants.

Even so, the USG could spend money succoring it's civilian population facing devastation and catastrophe. However, instead FEMA has prevented civilians from providing assistance it wasn't, has taken their donations instead of allowing the desperate to receive them, has ordered civilians not to help, not to look at the damage, and a Fire Chief threatened to arrest a civilian rescuing people expending their own funds and using their own helicopter to do it. FEMA is actively preventing aid from reaching Americans suffering from the hurricane and floods that destroyed their homes, towns, and infrastructure. Thousands have died and remain unburied, the stench of death covers Appalachia. The media downplay what has happened, and most people are unaware of the death toll.

The people of the communities of Appalachia are close knit, and have deep roots. Folks are getting emergency supplies in despite FEMA's attempts to prevent it. I have heard that at least one FEMA official is recovering in hospital from the beating received when trying to prevent such assistance from reaching hurricane victims. I will be surprised if FEMA isn't driven from the region by people offended by the attempt to cut off their beloved family members from necessary supplies.


Even so, the USG could spend money succoring it's civilian population facing devastation and catastrophe. However, instead FEMA has prevented civilians from providing assistance it wasn't, has taken their donations instead of allowing the desperate to receive them, has ordered civilians not to help, not to look at the damage, and a Fire Chief threatened to arrest a civilian rescuing people expending their own funds and using their own helicopter to do it. FEMA is actively preventing aid from reaching Americans suffering from the hurricane and floods that destroyed their homes, towns, and infrastructure. Thousands have died and remain unburied, the stench of death covers Appalachia. The media downplay what has happened, and most people are unaware of the death toll.

Dear @valued-customer !

From my perspective, America is so vast in territory and has so many different ethnicities, cultures, religions, and geographic differences that it's hard to understand your wonderful sentences!😂

I don't know USG and FEMA!

Thank you for kind answer!

I apologize for using abbreviations. USG means United States Government. FEMA means Federal Emergency Management Agency, a subdivision of the DHS (Department of Homeland Security) that is run by Alejandro Mayorkas, who stripped >$1B from FEMA to spend importing more illegal immigrants, and now won't help Americans in existential need of that funding during the very catastrophic event the United States Congress provided that funding to FEMA for.

I hope that clears up your inability to understand the abbreviations I used. You're so good at comprehending English, and even better at writing it, I forget you have to translate it into your elegant mother tongue to make any sense of it.

Oh shit. I should have browsed your posts before engaging. Now I see the problem. 🤣

Yeah, I only report facts, and back it up with citations to source. You're not going to be able to bamboozle or BS me without doing the same.

The only thing that has surprised me, about all this, is just how only mean spirited the stories are - with rotor washes etc., (i mean who does that to aid workers?), other stories of blocking people from rescuing other people - its almost like they are trying to make the people hate them, so they can try and kick something else off. I mean, its like demons are running FEMA.
Great report btw!

"...like they are trying to make the people hate them..."

There can't be a global totalitarian technocratic tyranny if the United States of America still exists. I believe they're trying to coordinate the collapse of all national governments, so they all collapse or are destroyed at the same time. The WEF corporations that manage all supply lines can then claim that the failures of governments have made it impossible to ship food, provide electricity, fuel, etc. Very quickly people will begin to starve, riot, and in short order they will be eating each other.

Then the WEF can step in to save everybody that will accept bugpods in 15 minute prisons, goyslop, owning nothing, CBDC's, and will smile and be happy they're not starving to death or eaten by their neighbors.

That's my theory, and I see nothing that makes me think it's not happening. In fact, I constantly see confirmation, like FEMA's actions spending money for disaster relief to import more illegal aliens instead and then seizing aid for Helene survivors and blocking rescue efforts, that the plan to conquer the world is moving forward.

I really appreciate your judgment. Coming from you that's a heap of praise.


@valued-customer, I paid out 0.779 HIVE and 0.149 HBD to reward 5 comments in this discussion thread.