"Do you think the argument that we should reduce CO2 emissions to protect the Earth's ecosystem is false?"
Yes. In fact NASA reports that as CO2 in the atmosphere has risen since the end of the ice age nature has become ~30% more productive. Plants are better able to make sugar from sunlight with more CO2, so natural ecosystems produce more food for animals, and plants make more O2 for animals to breathe, improving conditions for humans just as much as it does improve conditions for plants.
~55mya, about 10mya after the extinction event that extinguished the dinosaurs, CO2 in the atmosphere was more than 10x what it is today. In that verdant and fertile environment mammals that eventually led to human beings arising thrived and spread across the Earth. We have tested adding CO2 in greenhouses, and the more CO2 we add the better plants and animals do, up to about 4kppm CO2, about 10x what it is today.
We need more CO2 in the atmosphere, not less.
The reason that there's less CO2 in the atmosphere today is that carbon is an extremely useful element, and lots of geological and biological processes depend on carbon, like photosynthesis. As CO2 is entrained into these processes it gets captured, like in the wood of trees, where it remains for a long time. When it gets captured in coal and oil, it can stay trapped for millions of years, even permanently, unlike a few decades when it's in wood. We have managed to begin freeing that CO2 from coal and oil where it has been trapped and unavailable to plants to use in photosynthesis. The carbon cycle isn't naturally balanced without people, because we are able to restore that CO2 to utility in natural ecosystems and no other part of nature has been able to serve in that role. We are part of nature, and our industry can be beneficial to all life on Earth, if we manage it correctly.
CO2 is good, but PFAs, endocrine disrupting chemical pollution, microplastics, and other waste big corporations managed by profiteers that care only about ROI produce are bad, causing disease, starvation, and death, the opposite of the beneficial effects of CO2. We do need to manage profiteers (on Hive too!), to prevent misdevelopment that is harmful to life. But the profiteers are not just greedy and uncaring, they're actually malevolent and harmful. By injuring us they can profit from selling pharmaceuticals and expensive medical care. By reducing the health of natural ecosystems they can force us to eat crap they grow using their biocides, profiting from selling us goyslop, that then makes us sick so they can profit from treating our symptoms of metabolic disease they are causing.
The real problem isn't industry, it's misdevelopment by psychotic, evil profiteers that will commit any atrocity to gain wealth and power. If we get rid of our dependence on centralized production that profits psychotic profiteers by using decentralized means of production to make our own products they can't parasitically profit from, we can eliminate their wealth and power, and the evil they do to profit themselves. We can replace it with distributed wealth, decentralized and relatively equally shared by folks that merit the wealth they produce by being productive parts of interdependent communities that do that too.