Today with @outlinez we went to our garden, which is located outside the city.
Last week when we came, it started to snow, but today the snow had melted only in places not lit by the sun, there were still small patches of snow.
Today I planted parsley seeds directly into the ground. The winter is not very cold, and the soil is quite moist, which according to experts has a good chance of sprouting healthy seedlings when the weather warms up. An important condition is that the seeds are not soaked in water beforehand.
I planted them to a depth of no more than 1 cm.
In one of the beds I found sprouted lettuce.
The little kittens of the neighbor came to see us.
Other new cats also appeared, curiously peering from afar.
I wondered if there would be sprouted snowdroppes in the front yard, and I was very happy when I found a few of them. Maybe next time we come, the snowdroppes will be much more.