The Perils of Alcohol: A Cautionary Tale of Intoxication and Its Consequences

in #hive-15385019 days ago

Being an alcoholic isn't a good thing, as it can go on to affect our health, but that's not all the damage it does. When you drink to the extent of being intoxicated, this can lead to you doing or saying things you might not be proud of in the next hours, and sometimes what people do when they're intoxicated can be so bad that it could even lead them to prison, and that's why it's not really good to consume it, although I'm not a drinker, but then I've got friends who drink, and I've seen them do some crazy things when intoxicated that I'll share with you in this write-up.


It's not like I personally have anything against drinking or fun from the onset; it's just that I just don't like it, despite growing up in an environment where it's not prohibited even for kids, yet I find it possible to refrain myself from indulging in it, although I've got to thank my parents for the moral values they instilled in me to create such a mindset. So that's why I'm not a drinker, even though I've had friends who do. I remember something crazy that happened during one of my roommates's birthdays in my undergraduate days.

It was November sixth of that year because that's when my friend Dele's birthday always falls, and he's a high-spirited person who loves to have fun and live the good life. We were four who stayed together because it was a big apartment we stayed in during our university days, and as Dele's birthday was approaching, he told us he'd love to throw a party on his birthday at home, although it'd be with just us, his roommate, our neighbors, and a few close friends, and food and drinks would be made available.

Although I'm an introvert, I always enjoy the company of my friends and know such a day is going to be one of the few days I really have fun, and when the day did arrive, we all had a great time eating, dancing, and drinking, well except for me and one other friend who doesn't drink, but still we join in almost every other activity, especially dancing, and things become crazier when people start getting intoxicated.

So most of the guys came with their girlfriend, and we also had some female friends come around, and when people drank to an extent, I remember I was filming the entire party, although sometimes I drop the camera with another friend who isn't drinking and join in the fun, but one particular time when I was handling the camera, something awkward caught my attention, and it almost led to a fight between the guys.


So I noticed that my friend, I mean one of our friends who came for the party, got so intoxicated that he mistaken someone else's girlfriend for his and started dancing strangely with her, and the lady herself doesn't seem to be aware of her surroundings because I presume she's also drunk. The same thing happened to another friend at the party, and it almost seems as though guys exchanged their girlfriends intentionally during the party. Well, I filmed the entire event, and we party all night long.

After the entire fun, I guess everyone just falls asleep, and it's funny that some people slept and cuddled someone else's girlfriend through the night, and by the time it was morning, when most people wake up and come back to their senses, one of my friends realized he slept holding someone else's girlfriend close and quickly distanced himself from her when he realized who it was. I guess the alcohol was wearing off his face. Not long after that, he sighted another of our friends deep asleep and holding his own girlfriend in an unpleasing manner.

Immediately, man got angry and ran to drag the guy off his girlfriend, and that' almost led to a fight because they traded words for some time but ultimately settled when he realized the person whose girlfriend he woke up beside joined the conversation and was asking questions. It was a very funny moment, and I can't help but laugh within me because I know if they had seen videos from last time, they would have had more altercations.


It's funny how being drunk made most of them lose awareness of their surroundings and do things that they wouldn't have done on a normal day. When we eventually watched the video, I realized those who were affected by this didn't like it, but we just had to settle things between everyone and make them understand it was due to their intoxication. Does that make my friends stop drinking? No, it didn't because the following year another party was still hosted, and most of those affected the previous year still attended the party with these girlfriends.

But then, on my own side, seeing how my act of capturing the entire event of the last party almost led to fights and breakups between friends and partners, I had no choice but to decide that I won't be recording such events again, and even if I want to document such, I'll do it to not capture awkward moments like that or do the right thing by talking them back to their senses when I see they're being overwhelmed by their intoxication.

All photos taken and edited on canva.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


If you had gone with your own girlfriend, you wouldn't have had the time to film or capture the moment that nearly brought fight 🤣

Getting drunk throw people's brain upside down and they start misbehaving..I wish people start having control over excessive drinking

My girlfriend won't follow me there because she's the church type, and so why she was wasn't present at the event despite being invited.

It's just funny that despite what happens to this drunk people, you'll still see them drunk again.

Being drunk allowed people to start misbehaving and saying something unpleasant which can lead to trouble for them.

Yes that's one of it aftermath.

so funny, lucky them that it was just dancing and sleeping together and they didn't take it to another level, if not it would be another case entirely

Yea that's true, had it gone beyond that it would have ruined most of their relationship.

This is funny 🤣🤣hehe, that means the hour to exchange what you have with another has come 🤣

Why drink too much if you can't control your being. Nawa o
Moderation is expensive to some individuals 🤔

That's just it, it's better to do everything moderately, if at all they want to drink.

Oh yeah 👍

Bro, first of all everyone took their girlfriend to the party, but where is your own. 😂 They should have break each other head in the morning 😂 what were you doing why don't you get drunk too 😂

Firstly I don't drink and that's why I can't get drunk.

Secondly, my girlfriend was in church doing vigil at the time.

Being drunk really makes one to misbehaved and do things anyhow. Good steps to avoid it. Thanks for sharing

Yea that's absolutely correct, one need to reduce the rate at which they drink or stop entirely.

Lesson learned for them , im really curious if they see the video you recorded? 😂😭 im not an alcoholic too but i know someone who regularly drinks alcohol affects their mental health and ended a relationship.

Yea they saw it, although only my roommate watched it, didn't let others watch else the issue would have prolonged beyond that level.

Drinking isn't good at all, and I hope people stops it.

Thanks for your thoughtful feedback.

It’s really sad
I have been drunk before too and that’s how I got to know my limit so when get to the stage I can no longer act normal, I always stop drinking

Yea it's good to at least know ones limit and stop than to continuously drink and go beyond that, and do crazy things.

This is really funny.😂😂😂 Everyone is bringing their babe but Vicks babe is his camera.
Wahala for who no get babe.😂😂

Most people tend to drink too much I don’t even understand why. If you know you can’t tolerate a high dose of alcohol, then learn to drink less so that you don’t find yourself in a situation like this.

Hahaha I actually have babe, but mine is the church type and won't attend such event and that's why I'm by myself.

Hopefully people learn and only drink base on their capacity, than going above the line and do things they won't be proud of.

Your babe is at church praying for you and you’re at a party, nice combo🤭🤝

They need to learn the hard way.

It must have been funny, imagine waking up with your friend's girlfriend and him with yours haha!

Haha it indeed a very funny scenario, I can't help but laugh within myself, that's one of the aftermath of intoxication.

As much as taking alcohol can be fun, we should not forget how harmful it can be to health as well.

Yes that's the pinnacle of the whole thing.

Must they be intoxicated in that way? It can ruin their health, leading them to do things they were not supposed to do. Alcohol is a powerful weapon for misleading and disgracing people.

I'm happy you don't take alcohol and I don't take too. Thank you for sharing.

That's people for you o, they just do things the way they like without thinking of what'll happen after being intoxicated.

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