When Self-Medication Becomes a Habit: The Slippery Slope to Health Complications

in #hive-1538509 days ago

A lot of people around me who practice self-medication often mistake it for first aid, forgetting that although both are promptly used to serve as swift measures to relieve pain and the like, they aren't the same because while first aid is mainly to get one stabilized before receiving proper care from a professional, self-medication, on the other hand, is done based on personal judgment without the intention of seeing a professional thereafter. While sometimes knowing the right drugs to use can come in handy during a health-challenging moment, habitual usage can jeopardize one's health and cause many damages.

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Like I said above, self-medication tends to have its good side, which could play the role of first aid as of the first usage when we notice any abnormality within our body. Taking such medication, of which we already know their effectiveness, can help combat and relive our pain, and it's a good thing because had we not had such knowledge, then such a person might undergo that pain or difficulties until they see a doctor.

But then while it's good I've seen some people who have on their own become the doctor and pharmacist of themselves, and before you know it, once they're ill, you'll see them start prescribing drugs that'll help them reinstate themselves back to a perfect state of health as though they're professionals, although in most cases such drugs taken during self-medication often perform their duties in reliving the pain, but unknowing it leaves a side effect that can go on to cause harm to the individual.

I'm not saint in this habit, even though I've stopped, but I can remember several years back, once I'm sick or have any form of upset within me, the first thing I think about is how to lay my hands on paracetamol and use it, because I've the belief that it'll help calm my nerves, and I'm not the only one who does this; in fact, I can say that at least half the population of we Nigerians does this until we're educated about the dangers involved.

I, for one, didn't stop or know its damage until I felt ill one day and visited the hospital. I was told I must stop the usage of paracetamol and any pain reliever medicine because they'll cause more harm to my liver, and since then, regardless of how sick I feel, I won't take any medication of mu owm but instead quickly pay a visit to the hospital to diagnose me and prescribe the right drugs that'll help in that situation.

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While I take heed to the doctors advice, unfortunately not everyone does, because sometimes when doctors advise patients to stop using some drugs, such a patient tends to think the doctor is only trying to make sure people come to the hospital more often so they can get customers and money, unknown to them that such doctors are only looking out for them.

I can remember a particular woman in our neighborhood back then; she's fond of indulging in the act of self-medication, and regardless of how you advise her, she'll turn a deaf ear and even encourage others to indulge in the act. I remember she often said instead of going to the hospital regularly, she'll just visit the pharmacy and buy antibiotics and antimalarial drugs to use whenever he's not feeling fine, and if she did that, her pain would be relief.

Unfortunately for her, things went south when she became seriously ill, and all of those drugs she took for self-medication couldn't make a difference. She was taken to the hospital, and it was realized that her constant usage of those drugs had damaged her heart, causing a heart-related problem and a vision problem, and to cap it all, most of those antibiotics can no longer be effective for her because of the constant usage.

So with the evidence of health issues that might follow persistent acts of self-medication, it's advice that one abstain from such at all costs, and if paraventure they needed to use something urgently, then it's best if they've got the number of a medical practitioner to help guide and prescribe something for them to use before going to the hospital for proper diagnosis and treatment.

All photos taken and edited on canva.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


self-medication is a problem in many cultures! but you are right everyone with health concerns should try to reach a health professional

Yea that's just the best thing to do .

Sh became drug addict that's what happened and she has just cause problem for her self for life

Its so serious on this issue of penny wise pounds foolish. We should not joke with our health especially when it concerns some illnesses that demands the need for seeing a doctor.

That's just it, I hope people will learn and start taking their health seriously.

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I remember losing a cousin to self medication, he had Pelvic ulcer and his mom was treating maleria, same also with my sickle cell nephew that often use home treatment to take care of himself instead of going for medical checkup frequently. Self medication is dangerous, even this drugs when wrongly used can kill an individual.

So sorry about the case of your cousin and nephew, these are reasons why we needed to create more awareness for people to understand the gravity of dangers that follows self medication.

I don't know why we think so foolishly sometimes. whether we visit the hospital or not the doctors will still make their cool cash, if you don't go, another person will go. whenever I hear people say "doctors wants them to keep coming to the hospital so that they can make fortune out of them," I marvel, someone is trying to help you and all you're thinking about is your pocket🤣 poverty is not good at all.

All of us are victims when it comes to self medication, I have practiced it before too but when I discovered the dangers attached I ran for my dear life.

I feel so sorry for the lady, now who lost? She ran from going to the hospital when she could have spent just little and probably never have problem with her heart and sight and now she has no option rather than to be there and spend double with a little assurance of getting better eventually

It's such a shame many people think like that, it's just poverty mentality indeed, because a wealthy individual will want to fend for their wellbeing so as to prolonged their lives.

I hope everyone can learn and see the dangers self medication poses to our health on the long run.

Thanks for your thoughtful feedback, have a great day.

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In Pakistan, also, paracetamol is taken like chocolate beans. They are frequently advertised on T.V as the instant solution to all the pains. And interestingly not just one tablet but two.

Paracetamol is damaging to kidneys.

I agree that first aid is different than that of self-medication

Thanks for sharing your experience

Oh that's very bad, we need to create an awareness against such misinformation to the general public.

Paracetamol is dangerous to both kidneys and liver and to be on a safer side, one must abstain from it except prescribed by a professional.

Thanks so much for your thoughtful feedback.

It's a pleasure to read your post


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