Stable Diffusion 3 license crippled, you need to pay $20 for self-hosted commercial use, 6000 images per month limit, struggles with generating humans not just hands (censorship?)

in #hive-1679223 months ago

Der einstige Vorreiter von Open-Source-KI Stability AI kämpft gerade um das wirtschaftliche Überleben, nachdem der ehemalige CEO fast das gesamt VC-Kapital verbrannt hat.

Das Start-up braucht dringend Geld und das schlägt sich jetzt auch auf die neuen Lizenzbedingungen für Stable Diffusion 3 nieder.

Man muss jetzt $20 im Monat zahlen, wenn man das SD3 lokal auf dem eigenen Rechner kommerziell verwenden will und sogar die Anzahl der Bilder, die man selber generieren kann wird mit 6000 Bildern pro Monat beschränkt.

Und dann hat SD3 auch massive Probleme, Menschen zu generieren, nicht nur Hände. Gemutmaßt wird, dass man mit dem neuen Modell keine Aktbilder mehr erzeugen können soll.

Was sagt ihr zu den neuen Lizenzbedingungen? Irgendwie muss man mit KI auch Geld verdienen können.

Stable Diffusion 3 crippled?


Stable Diffusion 3 announced

Civitai (open-source AI platform) bans Stable Diffusion, Licensing Questions Plague Stability AI as SD3 Image Generator Gets Banned


The former pioneer of open source image generation Stability AI is currently fighting for economic survival after the former CEO burned through almost all of its VC capital.

The start-up urgently needs money and this is now also reflected in the new licensing terms for Stable Diffusion 3.

You now have to pay $20 a month if you want to use SD3 commercially locally on your own computer (self-hosted) and even the number of images you can generate yourself is limited to 6000 images per month.

And then SD3 also has massive problems generating humans, not just hands. It is rumored that it will no longer be possible to generate nudes with the new model.

What do you think of the new license conditions? Somehow you have to be able to earn money with AI.

Live your Secrets and Hive Prosper 🍯

xx Viki @vikisecrets


20$ a month and you are limited to 6000 images.

I don't know how much the server and other operating costs would be for AI, but 20$ for 6000 images a month feels like a rip off.

You run the model locally on your own PC but get this limit as far as I understood it.

they should fix the problem first before asking for payment.

i dont think its worth paying $20 a month with massive problems in generating images and limited images generated.


Whoa! those are some FAT FEET!! :P

maybe failed

Ist doch klar, dass im Wettbewerb der Anbieter ein paar untergehen werden, weil sie nicht mithalten können mit der Konkurrenz. Und das ist einer davon. So what?

I am very sure they should pay attention to the problem and to be solved

Same price much better results, including seamless vectors

Auf jeden Fall Schade.

There are people who have 5 streaming platforms so they must also pay for this. Things of modern life.

This reminds me of how Sam Bankfried Man Bankrupted FTX through extravagant expenditures. I just hope SD3 doesn't end the same way. It's just the users that will be at the receiving end of all this. Thanks for the update. Have a great day.

The new SD3 licensing seems restrictive with the $20 fee and image limits. AI's potential shouldn't be stifled like that, monetization is good but needs balance otherwise not much progress will come


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@thehockeyfan-at(1/5) tipped @vikisecrets

I guess its fair to ask payment for their product.

the former CEO is crazy for burning all its VC capital.

Asking for payment is not the way to solve the problem
That’s what I feel though

Everything is speeding up. Even the speeding itself is accelerating. Whoever stopped for a moment got from the tip of development to its tail. That's normal.


@insanejane passed you the virtual joint!
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they are going through early struggles and hopefully they will come out of it.

I think that they won't survive very long. The new restrictions just show that they are struggling to survive and I don't think they are managing their moneys properly.