Još jedna figura. I ovog puta učim od najboljih. Oduvek sam volela poluapstraktne i apstraktne slike/crteže. Danas sam upravo pokušala ponovo da nacrtam čoveka misterioznog lica...
Pa da počnemo...🖌️
Another figure. And this time I'm learning from the best. I have always loved semi-abstract and abstract paintings/drawings. Today I just tried to draw the man with the mysterious face again...
So let's start...🖌️
Nakon skice, prvo sam počela da kolorišem lice koje je crveno-narandzasto od sunca...
After the sketch, I first started to color the face, which is red-orange from the sun...
A onda sam počela da slikam telo i bicikl i toliko žurila da se ne osuši da nisam stigla da uslikan proces ali sam uslikala rezultat...
And then I started painting the body and the bike and I was in such a hurry so that it wouldn't dry that I didn't have time to take a picture of the process, but I took a picture of the result...
Mističan čovek je spreman, dovoljno je čekao. Onaj koga je čekao, može da se pojavi ..
Hvala na pažnji i prijatno veče...
The mystical man is ready, he has waited enough. The one he was waiting for can appear..
Thank you for your attention and have a nice evening...
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!