Sinoć sam zaglavila na nekom koncertu i legla kasno. Jutros morala da ustanem rano. Tako da nisam stigla sinoć da napišem post koji sam htela,ali sada ću vam to nadoknaditi. Znam da se ne ljutite. 🥰
Pa, hajde da vidimo još jedan gradski pejzaž u akvarelu, ili bolje reći akvarel u službi crteža...
Last night I was stuck at a concert and went to bed late. I had to get up early this morning. So I didn't get to write the post I wanted last night, but I'll make it up to you now. I know you are not angry. 🥰
Well, let's see another cityscape in watercolor, or rather watercolor in the service of drawing...
Dakle, počinjem od neba pa prelazim na kolorisanje automobila.
So I start with the sky and then move on to coloring the car.
Da li sam vam već rekla da obožavam najviše da crtama čamce i automobile?
Zašto baš njih? Ne znam...
Možda zato što volim da putujem. 🤗
Ok, idemo dalje...
Have I told you that I love drawing boats and cars the most?
Why them? I don't know...
Maybe because I like to travel. 🤗
Ok, let's move on...
Nisam se dugo zadržavala na asfaltu i automobilima, tako da već prelazimo na zgrade...
Boje koje koristim su uglavnom kombinacija plave, crvene, braon...
I didn't dwell long on asphalt and cars, so we're already moving on to buildings...
The colors I use are mostly a combination of blue, red, brown...
Još samo nekoliko poteza do finiša...
Just a few more moves to the finish line...
Crtež je obojen. Svim ljubiteljima umetnosti želim da uživaju u crtežu ispred sebe i ujedno bih poželela prijatno veče i lepe snove. ✨🖌️
The drawing is colored. I wish all art lovers to enjoy the drawing in front of them and at the same time I would like to wish a pleasant evening and sweet dreams. ✨🖌️
Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolana!