Cveće/ akvarel/ Flowers/ watercolor🌺🎨

in #hive-1743012 months ago

Čini mi se da sam do sada najmanje crtala cveće, a verujem da je cveće tema koja najviše spaja ukuse ljubitelja umetnosti.
Danas ću vam pokazati neobičan proces slikanja. Karticom! 🤗

It seems to me that so far I have drawn flowers the least, and I believe that flowers are the subject that most unites the tastes of art lovers.
Today I will show you an unusual painting process. With a card! 🤗


Prvo nakapate ( poprskati) papir vodom a zatim umočite ivicu kartice u željenu boju.

First, drip (spray) the paper with water and then dip the edge of the card into the desired color.


Naravno da može i četkicom, ali u slikarstvu imate pravo da koristite sve što vam se čini praktičnim alatom za dobijanje zamišljene slike.
Zatim sam četkicom nanela vrlo malo odredjene boje...

Of course, you can also use a brush, but in painting you have the right to use anything that seems to you a practical tool to get the imagined image.
Then I applied a very small amount of the specified color with a brush...


A zatim razlivala vidom. Može i obrnuto. Prvo pokvasite papir na mestu gde ćete naslikati cvet,a onda razlivate boju po boju...

And then spilled with vision. It can also be the other way around. First, wet the paper in the place where you will paint the flower, and then pour the color one color at a time...


Na kraju to izgleda ovako:

In the end it looks like this:


Kada radite ovako apstraktno cveće, najbitnije je da se igrate...
Da li vam se dopalo? Evo, poklanjam ga vama!

When making abstract flowers like this, the most important thing is to play...
Did you like it? Here, I give it to you!

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!


Oh I never thought of the card. Nice idea. I am hiatus on my watercolor journey right now, but looking at your work made my hands itching to do trad painting.

Amazing work!

Oh, wonderful!

I wish you much success in your work!


Wow, this is amazing, your skills are really cool👍💥

Thank you my friend! 👋

You're welcome