Meleys my first kitten

in #hive-14701019 days ago


Les presento a Meleys, es mi primer gatito. Llevo un rato ausente en la plataforma así que aprovecho de incluirlo en mis fotografías, ya que es un nuevo integrante de la familia. Para contarles un poco sobre él podría empezar por su nombre, quizá les suene femenino y es que al principió se creyó que era hembra, dicho por una amiga que se supone que tiene experiencia teniendo gatos a diferencia de mí. Nos dimos cuenta de lo contrario cuando empezaron a salir sus bolsitas. Para entonces ya estaba adaptado a su nombre y no responde a otro, es un gato con nombre de gata jajajaja. El mismo viene del nombre de un dragón de una serie llamada La Casa del Dragón.

This is Meleys, my first kitten. I have been absent from the platform for a while, so I take this opportunity to include him in my pictures, since he is a new member of the family. To tell you a little bit about him I could start with his name, maybe it sounds feminine to you, at the beginning we thought he was a female, said by a friend of mine who is supposed to have experience having cats, unlike me. We realized the opposite when her pouches started to come out. By then she was already adapted to her name and doesn't respond to any other name, she is a cat with a cat's name hahahaha. His name comes from the name of a dragon from a series called The Dragon House.

Lo he encontrado en la calle, en unas escaleras cerca de donde trabajo. Hacía bastante frío, no sé qué edad tenía así que deduzco que entre un mes o dos meses. Temí por su vida al tratarse de un bebé tan pequeño en estado de desnutrición, se le marcaban sus huesitos, y habían perros adultos deambulando, quizá reaccioné por instinto. No voy a negar que al principio dudaba mucho, le buscaría un hogar y lo tendría solo temporalmente. Es difícil económicamente cuando ya tienes otras mascotas. Resultó ser muy tranquilo, sumamente cariñoso, no causaba desastres porque es muy limpio, quizá porque no le gusta bañarse. Sé que muchas personas están en contra de ello pero era necesario ya que cuando lo adopté estaba lleno de orina de otros animales, pulgas, etc. Desde entonces lo he bañado pocas veces.

I found him in the street, on some stairs near where I work. It was quite cold, I don't know how old he was so I guess between a month or two months. I feared for his life as it was such a small baby in a state of malnutrition, his bones were marked, and there were adult dogs wandering around, maybe I reacted by instinct. I will not deny that at the beginning I was very hesitant, I would look for a home for him and I would have him only temporarily. It is difficult financially when you already have other pets. He turned out to be very calm, extremely affectionate, he didn't cause any mess because he is very clean, maybe because he doesn't like to bathe. I know that many people are against it but it was necessary because when I adopted him he was full of urine from other animals, fleas, etc. Since then I have bathed him a few times.

Es muy expresivo entonces hace gestos cuando está feliz, enojado o triste es muy evidente como para no notarlo, admito que me causa gracia.

He is very expressive so making gestures when he is happy, angry or sad is too obvious not to notice, I admit it is funny to me.

Creo que ha dormido en todos los rincones de la habitación y lugares extraños que se le ha ocurrido. Hoy por ejemplo quiso dormir en la alfombra del baño. Suele sacar su lengua mientras está dormido y es muy tierno. Casi siempre duerme a los pies pero cuando tiene frío o se pone cariñoso quiere estar más cerca.Tengo pensado castrarlo en cuanto me sea posible pues ese es el sentido de adoptar.

I think he has slept in every corner of the room and strange places he has thought of. Today, for example, he wanted to sleep on the bathroom rug. He tends to stick out his tongue while he is asleep and is very cuddly. He almost always sleeps at your feet but when he gets cold or affectionate he wants to be closer, I plan to neuter him as soon as possible because that is the whole point of adopting.

Cuando no le prestas atención te escala y se te sube encima mientras expresa sus quejas jajajaja

When you don't pay attention to him he climbs on you and gets on top of you while complaining hahahaha.

Es tierno, pero ahora tiene arranques de locura, entonces te atropella mientras duermes, también se esconde, te caza, a veces te salta encima y se va corriendo. Huye después de cometer sus crímenes, es un gatito delincuente. Como se ve en una de las fotografías está reflexionando sobre sus actos delictivos pero no cambia, sigue tratando de robar comida aunque tenga la suya.

He is cute, but now he has outbursts of madness, then he runs over you while you sleep, he also hides, hunts you, sometimes jumps on you and runs away. He runs away after committing his crimes, he is a delinquent kitty. As seen in one of the pictures he is reflecting on his criminal acts but does not change, he keeps trying to steal food even though he has his own.

No le gustan los extraños y mantiene distancia, ahora con nosotros no respeta nuestro espacio personal pese a que no le gusta que le hagan lo mismo con tanta frecuencia. Pocas veces me ha hecho enojar. La mayoría del tiempo me hace reír, lo quiero mucho.

He doesn't like strangers and keeps his distance, now with us he doesn't respect our personal space even though he doesn't like to be done the same so often. He has rarely made me angry. Most of the time he makes me laugh, I love him very much.

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Thank you very much. ☺️

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