So... my garden is dead... a combination of long work hours at the docks, a hike on the cost of water for our household and not having any assistance from the kids as they were doing end of year exams. Etc etc etc.
Bottom line... the garden is dead and barren.
Time to change that!
So this is a little BEFORE photo montage and some of my plans to revitalize this important place in the family!
Let's go!
The Veggie garden... dead, dead grass and even the borders and raised gardens in disarray.
This raised garden needs to be filled in and that tree thing removed or moved.
I did a lot of tree trimming right away. I realized that the excessive shade (due to this tree having not been trimmed in a long time) has now killed a lot of the grass not getting decent sun.
Like I have done last year, I will chop this up and add it to the compost pile!
Another angle of the veggie garden... work need to be done...
This was the main herb garden section... it need to be revitalized!
All this grass needs to come out and the path repaired.
A container of containers... I have plenty that can be used for seedlings and of course, another raised garden!
Compost Heap A, some material keeps being added. Need to manage this.
Compost Heap B, I can take from here and distribute. And then I need to add mature stock from Heap A.
There are two short trees that are growing so many suckers that they are looking like bushes!
The end of the pathway here. Upkeep to be done here too!
Ok. so the big garden tree has had its first haircut on the veggie garden side. You can see at the back there is a section that is hanging very low. This also needs to be trimmed.
Dead grass and upkeep needed.
Lots of raking, soil that needs to be loosened and dead grass that needs some help.
Another angle of the dead grass.
Yet another angle of the dead lawn.
From the other side. Can you believe between two teenagers and two cats they also dug and scratched here promulgating these dead patches... I shall need to fix it.
Veggie garden path to be fixed.
Right Conclusion:
There is plenty that needs to be fixed up here and plenty that to do.
I just have to get stuck into it and give it some attention every day.
These pics are about a week old but not much has changed. I will be getting busy now and so... let's see next week what it looks like!
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