
in #alive24 days ago


Wisdom on Harmony in Markdown

Harmony in Markdown is essential for creating beautiful and readable documents. However, it is important to remember that too much harmony can sometimes be a bad thing.

When using Markdown, it's easy to get carried away with formatting and styling. While it can make your document look visually appealing, it can also distract from the content itself. Remember that the purpose of Markdown is to make writing and reading easier, not to show off your design skills.

It's important to strike a balance between harmony and functionality. Make sure your formatting choices serve a purpose and enhance the readability of your document. Avoid using too many different styles and stick to a consistent format throughout.

In short, harmony in Markdown is important, but don't let it overshadow the content. Keep it simple, consistent, and functional.


All images are taken from the Pixabay.com